Return of old format?
Questions from 4 years ago....gone?
Oldest question (on first pages) is only from 6 months ago?
Perhaps we'll see some activity now?
Maybe there is hope after all?
Maybe not? (Questions are still those "loaded in" tech questions!)
What do YOU think, regulars?
7 Answers
No one has called me "regular" in years.
As to the old format, it's good to see it back, thank you very much.
Cleaning out the closet didn't hurt; someone has put in some time on the site, so that's a cautious positive.
9 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Oldest question on the first page is supposedly from 7 months ago. I checked as far as page 25, and guess what? All questions are supposedly from 7 months ago!
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

This is the first I’ve heard of anything. It IS encouraging to believe we’re being paid attention to. Perhaps they’ll do something about my disappearing avatars………...
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |