    My computer always crash and cannot start anymore.

    Whatever system I use it always cannot restart.I tried window7,windows8 andwindow 10,all cannot work.

    +2  Views: 1785 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    Reasons your computer may be crashing and what to do. Read here>>

    What are you doing with all those windows on one computer? 

    Before the whole thing implodes, as mine did...everything being lost forever, take it to a geek squad service and get it cleaned up

    Wait a minute--- If your computer is always crashing and cannot start anymore makes no sense.  

    I will assume you mean that it crashes and you need to reboot the system.

    There's a few reasons for this, if your computer loses power during the crash it's most likely the power supply.   get a new power supply.

    Other reasons are too many to mention here,  CB offered a good link to help you.





    Turn off the whole thing and unplug it. The next day, it may be in a better mood.If you can get it restarted, clear out all the old search history, cookies, files you don't want, advertising blurbs that are on your tool bar. After cleaning out your whole computer, it should work better. And see if in one of your columns or programs, you have  '' system restore "   That resets your computer back to an earlier time. ( you pick the date ) before it had all that old cluttering junk in / on it.

    Format it once.

    terryfossil 1

    good answer mate

    1. Windows Safe Mode
    While this doesn’t make your PC useable for everyday tasks, it will often run when Windows will not start normally allowing you to diagnose and cure system faults. To start Windows in Safe Mode, turn your PC on and immediately start pressing the F8 key repeatedly. When the Windows Advanced Boot Options menu appears, select Safe Mode.

    2. System Restore & Windows Update
    It won’t always be obvious what change has caused Windows to become unstable but there are measures you can take that could resolve the matter, nevertheless. Each time you make a substantial change to your system, and also at regular intervals, Windows stores the state of the system as so-called restore points that you can revert to later.

    It would be a good idea, therefore, to try restoring your system to an earlier date. Be assured that the process won’t cause any of your files to be deleted, but recently installed software may be removed. Just search for “System Restore” in the Start menu and follow the instructions on screen.

    Something else to check, if you’re suffering occasional failures, is that Windows is up to date. If you have automatic Windows updates enabled then your system should be fully up to date but, if not, you should check for updates.

    3. Recommended: Download a PC Fixer Tool to fix this issue.

    Hope this can help you.

    Check you RAM....................

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