Stuff like this has no hard and fast rules...and the child is often a pawn.
10 Answers
“I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Abortion. I’m neither pro or con. I just believe in woman’s rights to do whatever with her own body. I’m prochoice……..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
i don't believe any female really wants an abortion. usually bad circumstances. however, it is not the politician's business. it's the female involved. politicians are letting the world slide down the tube worrying about a woman, her demands and her body. their time would be better utilized worrying about climate change, fracking, which scientist are saying causes earthquakes, called man made earthquakes, building bridges back up, 4,000 in the united states need repair. how to get peace in this out of control world. retrain the people's mind sets. please people in power grow up and leave inside a women's body to the woman who has to decide what she's gonna do with her situation. by the way, i don't see everybody rushing out to send money to all these countries around the world that have thousands of babies and children dying of disease and starvation everyday. "what a woman should do" seems like a argument to distract people from the real societal challenges that truly need to be addressed. as wendy says "how you doin?"
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |