    What a normal blood pressure reading at rest ,for an average person,??

    +4  Views: 929 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

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    O/K will do Colleen,this was on behalf of somone who ask me ,not to mind

    The question is fine. I just deleted the repeat question. You have two of another still out there. Just click one time and you should be fine.

    7 Answers

    Blood pressure reading below 130/80mmHg is considered to be normal.


    Thanks Ted,i will use this as a guide line,

    Best to go with the docs guide mate.

    Well all im doing is taken it for somone twice a day as her doctor requestied,with the proviso of a change of ttablefs for her,

    Now you know the normal mate.

    Have the doctor check it if it is below or above..140 over 90,,best rule of thumb..>>>>><<<<<

    I agree with all, normal is what is normal for you in good health.  But more importantly, keep tabs on your body, you will realize when you feel unwell, and see Dr. regularly.  BP can be taken so many places today, pharmacies, grocery markets (some), etc.  And the unit is cheap enough to buy for your home use.  Watch diet, exercise, drink in moderation, all common sense, and helps with high BP.

    You should also check the BP more than one time as it often varies in many people. My nurse always checks twice when checking mine. I also heard this from a doctor who was being interviewed on tv this morning.

    Begging his pardon, BP "normal" (120/80) is for your doctor to determine. That's why they measure it each time you go. Normal is what's normal for you. The last time I was checked I was 118/57.......


    Wow this lady was 174/84,at her docs,she has been told to write it down for the next week twice a day,

    Whose pardon?

    174/84 is a wee bit high but nothing to worry about IMO.

    Mine is always low too, and I don't take BP pills. when I was young and thin, my BP was shockingly low sometimes.

    Hect, the top number is too high, but we're more concerned about the bottom # in the medical profession. And that's nice of you to look after the lady.

    Mine is always high at the docs office 150ish over high 80s but at home its usually low 130s over 70. I also had to take my machine in so they could make sure it was accurate. If your using a machine you or her should probably do that too.


    Thats an idea JDB,its a battery operated one ,with a memory,Omeron is the make,

    The doctors office should be able to check the machine, I know my moms was way off but it was pretty cheap too. Mine is almost spot on but it did cost more.

    They call that "white coat syndrome", JDB. I have it too, at the doctor's office.....hate being there for any reason and BP rises. :)

    The only time my BP goes up at the Dr's is when I'm kept waiting for 45 minutes after taking the trouble to make an appointment.

    How about this one Tommy? We have a specialist in our community, who books ALL of his appointments at the same time....either 8am or 1pm. Then, everyone waits. If you aren't present when your name is called, too bad for you....rescheduled for 6 months. How's that for arrogance. Glad I don't have any need for his services because he's the only game in town. ugh

    Yes I know Ducky.That seems to be the form of most specialists here too.Annoying ain't it?

    Plain rude. I would love to get paid big money for being rude. I could be quite good at it I think. lol

    My normal is 125/85 but it's  not everyone's  normal.

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