    Palin's son finds reaching easier while stepping on family dog. Actually posted on her Facebook page.

    Sarah Palin's photo.Maybe he was really trying to see Russia out the window. Thoughts?

    +2  Views: 898 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago



    Here, lets allow Sarah herself answer your question....

    Dear PETA,

    Chill. At least Trig didn’t eat the dog.

    Hey, by the way, remember your “Woman of the Year”, Ellen DeGeneres? Did you get all wee-wee’d up when she posted this sweet picture?…/peta-woman-year-posts-phot… Hypocritical, much?

    Did you go as crazy when your heroic Man-of-Your-Lifetime, Barack Obama, revealed he actually enjoyed eating dead dog meat?

    Aren’t you the double-standard radicals always opposing Alaska’s Iditarod – the Last Great Race honoring dogs who are born to run in wide open spaces, while some of your pets “thrive” in a concrete jungle where they’re allowed outdoors to breathe and pee maybe once a day? (

    Aren’t you the same herd that opposes our commercial fishing jobs, claiming I encourage slaying and consuming wild, organic healthy protein sources called “fish”? (I do.)

    Aren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable leather belts above your kickin’ new leather pumps you bought because your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig at some sushi bar that features poor dead smelly roe (that I used to strip from our Bristol Bay-caught fish, and in a Dillingham cannery I packed those castoff fish eggs for you while laughing with co-workers about the suckers paying absurdly high prices to party with the throw away parts of our wild seafood)? I believe you call those discarded funky eggs “caviar”.

    Yeah, you’re real credible on this, PETA. A shame, because I’ll bet we agree on what I hope is the true meaning of your mission – respecting God’s creation and critters.

    Our pets, including Trig’s best buddy Jill Hadassah, are loved, spoiled and cared for more than some people care for their fellow man whose politics may not mesh with nonsensical liberally failed ways or don’t fit your flighty standards.

    Jill is a precious part of our world. So is Trig.

    - Sarah Palin

    3 Answers


    Now my opinion...

    I think that anything this woman or her family does is reason to attack from the left, this child is probably not doing anything different than millions of children have done in the past that people would say-  'Oh lookie, isn't that cute'?  But this is Sarah Palin so it must be evil!

    Here's my take on it.  Liberals hate her because she really stands for most all they fight for, she's a successful 'woman', she has a special needs child, she's outdoors person, loves nature and is outspoken. 

    Liberals hate her because they are afraid of her.  She represents the perfect woman, unfortunately, she is a conservative.

    I might throw in the rhetoric about her shooting wolves from a helicopter that progressives love to hammer, obviously they do not eat the wolves but this keeps the overpopulation of wolves from eating all the rest of the alaska wildlife, maintaining a balance.  they do that here in CA too, we don't have wolves but we have mountain lions, we have animal control which means sometimes killing one to protect another.

    And as for seeing russia from her back porch??  THIS IS FALSE She never said that!  In fact her exact verbatim words with Charles Gibson interview was this when asked about Russia: 

    "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":

    The phrase 'I can see Russia from my house' was Tina Fey on saturday night live. a comedy sketch that the liberal media had pounded into leftest heads as actual Palin words.  leftist media lies!! and continues to brainwash.   Look it up, snopes it, whatever you want.   lets drop the Russia trash and realize the problem it's about media lies.


    Oh, and she likes Harley Davidson Motorcycles too, that's terrible that she would support an american heritage manufacturer.


    So no kid has ever stood on top of a dog that was 3 times the size of the kid? No kid has ever mauled their dog, pulled its ears, yanked on its tail? Lots of kids do it. So what? The dog will make it known, if it isn't appreciated.

    Vinny is right. The Palin Family gets criticized no matter what they do. Frankly, I think it's a cute picture and would, even if it were taken in a Democratic household!


    They certainly have no problem with Ellen Degeneres photo of a child standing on a dog, her liberal audience thinks that is cute. Hypocrites. I notice also that PETA had removed their complaint on the WWW. Obviously because once again, caught in hypocritical situation with no back door. The leftist trash talking of Palin is totally disgusting. And there's not one leftist that can actually nail down why she is a bad person. It's all about she is stupid.

    Well at least the dog doesn't appear to be very distressed about it. I believe it shows that the dog is not usually mistreated.If it were it's reactions would be quite different I can assure you. What a lovely dog.

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