    Could you tell me what you think about an idea for a"sitcom" ,for TV, that a friend of mine and I came up while playing the "Wii" game? Just vote yes or no. I am afraid to ask.

    +1  Views: 1341 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: tv show

    You will have to give me a chance to type it out. It would be called, Whatashame? When we play "Wii" golf and the ball lands maybe an inch away,we always say, "What a Shame, whatashame"? If any thing goes wrong and doesn't turn out they way you hoped for ,we say, I don't have to say it ,do I? You get the picture? Endless ideas come to us. We have a good time and alot of laughs coming up with new ideas. Tell me what you think, it's late, I got to hit the sack. Check back later. If you wasted your time so far I have only one word to say, Whatashame! Check in later.


    The story, show , would start talking about a certain persons life, maybe starting at 10yrs old. Moving really quickly, he now is a young man, more of his life is now known,hopefully some of his life is really funny. Time passes by, and now he is middle aged. (So far this is any thing new or funny}. His life is now near the end. He now passes away.( his/her life story would show what he/she personality is, why he does what he does.)Endless story lines.Did he turn out to be in jail, or a father/mother,(endless storylines), Policeman, fireman, teacher or Indian chief.(many variations). cont.


    The "sitcom" is more about "h/s" after life,and how the life on earth effects "H/HER" after life.(How about we call this person, SAM, that will make it so much easier.)Of'course Sam's after life is not what Sam thought it would be. This is were the word "whatasmame" comes into play. Everthing Sam did on earth(maybe)was now the complete opposite or was for nothing.(many story lines here, anything goes, no rules). I will now cont. with a certain story line.(Please don't take this in any kind of serious way,I am not making any kind of personal point or opinion,Its not about any certain person.


    Warning!! This is only an idea for a TV show, nothing more. Let's get started. < Sam dies and now finds himself in a different world, he doesn't know where he is.He doesn't see anyone he knows, or may he does.(MSL =many story lines). He see signs ,"Leader",this way. He follow the other people,aleins,or anything the writer can come up with,(MSL). More signs, "answers this way", so Sam follows the sign so he can find answers.(No, I'm not trying to get any point across.)


    <sam sees="" many="" "beings"="" in="" line="" pointing="" to="" the="" leader,="" waiting="" their="" turn.="" sam="" gets="" in="" line="" because="" he="" needs="" answers,="" he="" doesn't="" knowwhere="" he="" is="" or="" what="" to="" do,"where="" will="" i="" stay,="" what="" will="" i="" eat,="" what="" do="" i="" do?="" he="" is="" now="" next="" in="" line,="" he's="" next.="" he="" can="" hear="" what="" is="" being="" said="" and="" asked.="" the="" "being"="" (msl),="" (this="" story="" is="" about="" people="" just="" like="" the="" people="" his="" knew="" in="" his="" world).="" asks="" the="" leader"="" leader,="" why="" am="" i="" here,="" why="" did="" i="" die="" so="" young,(this="" being="" is="" about="" 55yrs.old),="" and="" in="" the="" way="" it="" happened?="" this="" is="" a="" wonderful="" place="" i="" must="" say.="" did="" i="" die="" too="" soon?="" boy!to="" be="" honest,="" if="" i="" knew="" this="">>>


    What just happened?


    What A Shame! I did not do that on purpose. What did I do? Whatashame! Well you now get the idea anyway.


    I have to take a break now. I can't think now. Yea yea yea, save your comments, I hear you. This is much harder than I thought.

    4 Answers

    Doesn't matter you have to follow your dreams and it's hard work. They told Cindy Crawford that she would never be a model. They told Michael Jordan that he wouldn't make it as a basketball player.

    Check out his book it's very motivational. I forget the name of it though, good luck.

    Sounds pretty good so far, hope you don't have to smoke anything to come up with your ideas, ha, ha.
    Seinfeld was sold as a show about nothing, so the best advice is to always go after you dreams fiercely! Yes


    leeroy, thanks, wait until you find out what Leader says, believe me you will laugh. I don't what happened or i would be done. I'm frustated now.


    See, I can't even write or spell now.


    I never drank or did drugs. My friends said> whatever you do, don't let-------get near them. I do have a stange sense of humor. Love "Seinfeld" and "Falty Towers". John Cleese is something else. He is a nut. Funny!


    And what I hope to write will be clean, not that you will let your kids watch, all clean. Some people are going to take it personal, I think?


    Hey leeroy, If everyone thinks it stinks, what one word would say to me?

    And here I expected to read something silly.. the idea is well thought out, and it would work for a tv show. You have the idea.. but getting this idea to sell to tv networks, you better start doing your homework boy. Seriously, research it, find out your best methods for getting this to sell to a network, and write one to three episodes for a pilot.

    ohhhhh go for it you have the story unfolding its all in the right diection but im sure you would need some sort of professional help in the true nature of a sidcom because they always have many writers working together hheee hhe i guess u already knew that and ur just giving the general story line careful it sounds good it might get stolen hheee hhee better get yourself a .... manager ? agent ? ohhh omg i pity u having to deal with all the other crap but dont let that stop u let me know when ur casting for the acting rolls it sounds like you will fail if u didnt cast me in there some were haaaa hhaaaaa hhaaaa u will need a KRAMER or a MR BEAN come JOHN CLEESE type of dude ( sounds like the new 3 stoogers)WOOHOO go for it good luck you know if you hit a dead end think about clay animation Wallas and Gromit ? or animation like Simpsons family guy ect ooohhh i know i blah blah but hey u got me excited for u.Now about copywright laws hhahahaha aahha .Hummmm 6 degrees of seperation ???? i know ur my 1st degree in the 6 so dont let me down hhahhahaa hhaaa hheeehhe and do u mind if i stalk you it might help in the tabloid dept (a dam good media stunt to get things moving like a court case il try sueing u saying after my near death experiance its all to close to the truth HHAA HHAAAAAAAAAAA ( i was shot 5 years ago and nearly snuffed it)ad my middle name is SAM hhheehhhe hhehheh jokin about the SAM bit ok ok now i have scared you but if u respond to this il call you the stalker. Hey u will need a bodygard hhhaaaa hhaa
    best of luck NINJA

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