    If a woman drinks every evening, but deosn't get drunk, does that make her an alchoholic ?

    My friend, A,  drinks a half pint of straight whiskey  sometimes more, every evening . She doesn't get drunk, per se, but she gets to acting silly or argumentative. She claims she's not drunk. She never gets a hang over. Is she an alcoholic if she doesn't get drunk  ? She had been rather drunk  on occasion, but not for a long time . She works during the day time.

    +5  Views: 861 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: alchohol

    7 Answers

    I wrote a long paragraph but what it all comes down to: an alcoholic is a person who will break not the law, not the written rules but their own rules…. Simple as that. Does your friend break her own rules?


    I don't know what her rules are, except maybe she says she doesn't drink during the least on a working day . Maybe she broke that rule.
    Thanks for responding, jh .

    an alcoholic is someone who depends on alcohol,,if it controls you ,then you have a problem,alcohol changes everybody,if you drink and get happy,,then stop,you are in control,,if you drink and get angry,you have lost control..

    For seven years, I worked for an alcoholic boss. Did he admit that he was an alcoholic? No and some of his friends agreed with his assessment. Why? Because he never had a hangover, he never missed work and twice a year, he quit drinking for a month. ("See, that proves I'm not an alcoholic".) His wife put up with his moods at home, watched him fall asleep every night after supper, never do anything with his three kids, and never take her anywhere, ever...just drank!

    After many years, she left saying "Those two months out of twelve, just aren't worth it anymore". Amazingly, many people didn't think he was an alcoholic because they didn't SEE his personality changes and he could quit for a period of time. He was still an alcoholic....and yes, he knew it.



    Once an alcoholic (or any substance abuser), always an alcoholic (substance abuser). It is a day by day process, and, just like anything else, you can't rest on yesterday's success for today's challenges.
    I'm always on pins and needles re: drugs and my sons. Always will be, and they could go the rest of their (far past my) lives without a relapse, and I'll worry on my death bed (or wherever I may be).

    I've known many loved ones of "substance abusers", more than I would like. If the abuser quits, there is still the constant "worry, what if, and I hope". :(

    Yes.That's like my friend,A. She has quit at times, but not for very long. That's sad that your boss never paid attention to his kids.

    I'm going to venture out with a definite answer, and say "YES", I think she is an alcoholic. You have your own definition of "drunk", but if her blood alcohol level were tested, I'll wager she would be in the "legally drunk" range.  

    Now what? 

    She's certainly a habitual drinker and the amount she is drinking could eventually harm her health. Can she go for a week without any alcohol and not miss it?


    P.L. No, she would get sick and say she needs a drink :-(

    Alcoholic or drug addict has one common element...answered by the question: Who or what is in charge. 

    It might make her a bit sloshed at times,

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