    How do you get 'karma' on here?

    +7  Views: 833 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    Curious Ferbader. How did you find us? (Now use "Comment this question" right underneath my comment here, so I will see your answer. Thanks.)

    4 Answers

    If you answer questions respectfully and accurately you might receive karma from other members. Welcome to AkaQA.

    I liked your question, so I put my cursor on the little green hand below "answer this" and pressed the "enter" key.  VOIA!   YOU GOT 15 POINTS.   Any time I like a question or answer, I will do that for you.  Each time, you will earn 15 points.  It is nice for you to reciprocate and do the same for answers and questions you like that others post.  The points have no value of redemption, not even 1/20 of 1 cent, but we all seem to enjoy giving and receiving them.  

    Hope you stick around!  


    OH! Is it when people vote for you or something?


    Unusal name Ferbader,,where are you from??
    terryfossil 1

    Yes, on the right hand side of your screen,you will see a green thumbs up and a pink thumbs down,15 points thumbs up,points off for thumbs down,,very few people give thumbs down,as everyone has a right to their opinion,,All the best from Aussie the way, where are you from>>>>><<<<<<

    When you want to comment back to someone's answer, please go underneath their response and use "Comment this answer". Then they will get a notification and they'll see your answer. They may then chat back to you. If you set it up as a "new answer" every time, they won't necessarily see it. Welcome to akaQA. You can learn all about this site by going to the bottom of the page.
    terryfossil 1

    D*** your good Duck,,i reckon you should be a moderator,,you got my vote,,,<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Like I just did for you, welcome to aka newbie...

    I just gave you 15 more karma. Ask more questions! We are hungry for them, answer a few and if you do it well, you get more karma…….

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