    Is any one concerned about ebola? I heard there is a case in Dallas,Tx.??


    +4  Views: 684 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    You might not believe this if you watch the news, but if you live in North America, Europe, Japan or any developed country you do not have to worry about Ebola.

    Yes, I know, the headlines are screaming that Ebola is on the march to your front door. The coverage is intense and the volume is tuned up to the max. A sure sign that things have gone over the top is that both Donald Trump and The Onion have weighed in.

    There are endless reasons in the media to absolutely, utterly panic. But don’t.

    This is not the first plague that the media has identified that is planning to target you and me for death while we are on summer vacation. Can you say West Nile virus? Actually West Nile is probably more dangerous to you than Ebola if you don't live in Africa or a poor nation.


    Now, it is true that Doctors Without Borders has called Ebola "totally out of control" and the World Health Organization calls it the worst outbreak ever of the disease. And it is — in Western Africa in countries such as Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Ivory Coast.

    Not on the list of places that the WHO thinks need to flip out are the U.S., Canada, Britain, Switzerland, Australia, South Korea, Singapore or other rich nations with strong health care response capabilities. In fact the U.S. is so sure that it can control Ebola that two people with the disease are coming back to Atlanta for treatment at Emory University Hospital.

    Why bring someone with such a deadly disease into our country unless you arevery sure you can contain it? Medical authorities know that it is very hard to transmit Ebola, that those most at risk live in nations that lack gloves, and moonsuits and quarantine facilities, and that it is brave doctors and nurses who treat patients with Ebola in resource-poor conditions that are at the greatest risk.

    Ebola is not going to run amok in downtown Boston, Cape May or Myrtle Beach or anywhere else in the U.S. It is running amok in poor African nations becauselocal authorities did not have the will or the resources to respond quickly, because no one confronted local funeral customs that expose people to Ebola, mainly because the world did not care much if hundreds died in poor, politically insignificant nations.

    The harsh ethical truth is the Ebola epidemic happened because few people in the wealthy nations of the world cared enough to do anything about it.


    We do need headlines about Ebola. They should ask how did this incurable plague get out of control in Africa when medicine knows how to contain it? What are we going to do to fund research to find vaccines and treatments for diseases that don’t immediately threaten us, but kill a lot of people in far away lands?

    A public health policy that ends at our borders is not fair, just or even smart.

    <time class="stack-firstpub" title="2014-08-04 21:02:14 Z">First published August 4th 2014, 4:02 pm</time>

    I’m in Texas, of course I’ve heard about it. Well, I don’t go out much and haven’t met a well traveled person for my repertoire, I’m not worried.  

    Who would know whether or not we should be concerned? We should have been panic stricken almost every flu season as well and then afterwards, the statistics indicate that "the flu season was not at drastic" as predicted. On the other hand, the medical profession makes mistakes and lots of them, on a regular basis. Are they wrong now?

    The last I heard, the current Ebola patient in Texas, was downgraded from serious to critical.

    I haven't heard of any cases here in Oz.


    Stay safe!

    What better way isis to attack than like this. Sending "suicide infectors" to countries with something that will kill people. Where is our Surgeon General in all this ?


    Wow,zorro! I never thought of that! It's hard to believe for me about all the government agencies that seem to be doing NOTHING to protect Americans! The Secret Service can't even keep intruders from the White House! The VA can't "help" veterans And yet we keep paying all those taxes for what?? Baa!

    Oh now some people saying its a racial thing against Obama, because he is black .

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