    how do I send a message on facebook in response to a photo & message sent to me?

    0  Views: 456 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

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    Hi ROMOS and COUNTRY BUMPKIN - I so hope you are both well, healthy and happy - had problems again with the laptop you would not believe no e-mails since 17/062014 - then no broadband. Still not completely happy engineers here for ten minutes - of course saying it was my laptop and when they left it all came back? Still one problem existing the P0P3 Server which none of them seem to understand - keep getting this message but managed now to come onto here after deleting about 3,000 messages - mostly junk mail. and would you believe I have a new laptop but no-one set this up - I could get someone but the idea is terrifying - this technology thing. How do you both have time for this - as soon as I come on here which I love - I am here for what seems like ever!. You have contributed so much and thank you so for the above as I do not know what I am doing, have so many messages but - I will try this - thankyou. I mainly wanted to say HELLO GUYS to you both - and hey what's with the thumbs up. I do hope Scotland do not become independent as united we are better - although those in power are pretty crap - especially here with the Trident issue - never works this nuclear thing except if someone presses the button then what? well we know what - but expecting you in the event of independence to keep it in your waters? I do want to write about this Israeli/Gaza conflict something I feel passionate about but later. Miss you both so much and of course this site - hey this is such a good site, I am sure you would agree - hope they are all well too although times are really tought. BEST - Miriam.

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