    money hack

    0  Views: 613 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    While tacking down a tin roof on my chicken house, I ran out of the washers used to secure the sheet metal in place. I only needed 30 washers for the job. So I went to the local HardWare Store for the washers. They had washers but they had nails or screws attached and cost $4.00 a pound for washers&nails and $5.25 for screws with washers. The cheapest washers in the store was $.03 each...or $.90+tax for the washers. So I was digging around in my pocket for change to buy the washers and counting pennies when realized that I could use pennies for washers and didn't need anything there and went home.

    Counted out 30 pennies in my shop and drilled holes in the lot in short order. Then finished the roofing job on my chicken house one penny at a time.

    The thought of that little misuse of money led me to see money in a whole new light and everything else that involves money from newspapers to food scraps and all the junk since the dawn of time.     


    You know what?? I realized the same thing a few years ago. I ran out of mudguard washers.Those washers about the size of quarters (Or 20cent coins in our country) with a small hole.I went to the hardware & they were 29 cents each.Go figure!!!
    So I did the same thing as you.Drilled holes in the coins.Probably illegal...but cheaper!!

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