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    +4  Views: 1804 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: mental

    Thanks for giving that to us,Phyl .

    It would be a rare day that your questions are NOT interesting. You make me THINK!


    4 Answers

    Oops, I think I write in first person  regularly.

    The biggest surprise for me to learn is it's a myth that people commit suicide more often during the winter holidays.

    If someone would have mentioned to me in the past that suicide rates increase with altitude I would have laughed, but suicide is no laughing matter.





    I’m not surprised by any of the facts.  I’ve been suicidal for most of my life.  It’s not a matter of being happy, it’s a feeling of hopelessness. All too consuming. Thank you God for working drugs……..

    terryfossil 1

    Is it possible for God to take the place of working drugs...

    Jh, good answer. I've been there too. When I was 19, I felt so hopeless, I didn't know what to do .I thought of suicide then and even when 17; and sometimes in the last few years.

    I, for one of many, am thankful you are all alive and kicking. It is a pleasure to spend time with you and all our other akaQA friends. Meeting Julie was awesome, and it would be equally awesome to meet Juliana, Terry, and many more of the few, the proud, the aka regulars. :D
    terryfossil 1

    thanks Bob,,i have not had any of those ,,( knock myself off ) since becoming a christian 30 years ago,,Always nice talking Bob..>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Terry, God and I talk often but when a person is truly depressed, God becomes invisible. The whole wide world does. One doesn’t think about those left behind, one doesn’t think period except for escaping the big, black hole…….

    Good grief!! I live on top of a small mountain.I better get a minder.


    What's a minder ?
    terryfossil 1

    Somebody who will look after him MCM..>>>>>><<<<

    Oh! please don't it , I'll go over them mountain and get her there? Hmm! What that a song?

    I think if people would be more concern about other rather than " I , Me, Myself," It just might open a door for themselves. No it's not going to happen, In any case we should try to be more helpful toward another by being a little patience, caring, longsuffering, faithful, loving, and the most important of these is " LOVE "  Yep that right! Jesus said " love ye one another " I'm almost certain there would be a lot less suicide.

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