    Hittng a school with a bomb,full of childrens,War crimes??

    +3  Views: 559 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    They should be throwing school supplies and food and blankets and goods instead of bombs hector5559....

    Collateral damage. It happens in wars. Hamas should not be using it's people as human shields. There is no murder in war. Just people who die because of war. Hamas does not belong in Israel. Hamas has in it's Charter the annihilation of Israel. They sound like a bunch of Hitlers. Obama funded these morons with almost 500 million last year. The man works for the devil!

    The school they hit Colleen was under the united nations control at the time and a g,p,s,singnal had been sent to let the Israeles to let them know thier wereabouts,

    You'll have to show me that article. I know that bombs have been found at two schools that where under UN jurisdiction but did not hear that one of those schools had been bombed by the Israelis. No one knows who placed the bombs in the schools. It could have been Palestinian rebels for all we know. They shot down a passenger plane and tried to deny it at first. Then admitted it then claimed it was a mistake. To that I say BS! They knew and they knew they would kill infants and children by taking that plane down.

    Lindi, Thumbs up !

    4 Answers

    It's all criminal. War is started and perpetuated by thugs.

    They say Israel is investigating, I say BS!

    Israel say they target only threats to their country, I say BS!

    Obama says Hamas is a threat to all Israelis, I say BS!


    It was a susposeadley united nations protected building,were the children were,

    The Israelis are investigating.
    BS BS BS.
    This IS a war crime, but it wont be treated as such because...........blah blah blah......................

    Oh, Yes but a necessary evil?  I can’t answer this………..


    One in favour then,

    Didn't hamas stockpile weapons there ? Israel gave them warning to leave . All these innocent people need to get together and kill all armed hamas people that are putting their lives in danger.


    Even if hamas did ,the building was under the U,N,so called protection,The isralies are getting near what was done them by Hitler in war crimes,

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