    where to buy cresote oil

    0  Views: 1818 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Take your pick if you live in the UK...

    Home Depot?

    You can order all kinds at

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    I thought it was banned in the US?  It is a great preservative for wood, however it is a known carcinogen. 


    Now that you mention it, there is an attempt to ban it in Canada.

    I thought it was banned in the UK, it's great for your fencing, lovely smell, reminds me of years gone by.


    Joe Public has not been allowed to buy it since July 2003 but trade users can still obtain it in 20 litre containers from agricultural suppliers

    I know a guy who built a retirement home years ago, and he dipped every shingle in it, it hasn't rotted, and never been painted in the 25 yrs. the house has been standing. It has faded into a lighter brown then when first done, but still has properties of the cresote. Maybe not the smell anymore.

    Agricultural suppliers. It is only available in 20 litre containers. The days when you could get a bottle full from the gasworks are gone for ever.

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