    We have a Ex Note 11 Ex89i the phone part doesn't work all the time, if I want to make a call sometimes I can't, as the phone won't allow me to make out going calls & if someone rings me it says the phone is turned off or not in service, when I do manage to make a call the screen goes black so I can't end the call, the phone won't turn off either to end the call, the battery doesn't charge up fully either can have it charging all night, sometimes doesn't charge & battery runs out pretty quick, i

    0  Views: 608 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    If this is a new phone please return it to the place of purchase and let them know your phone is defective. They should replace it with another phone.


    Unfortunately its not a new phone, so was wondering if its a phone problem, or if can be fixed by updating system data?? I know its a Malaysian phone, but we live in Australia,so no one has parts here for it!!!!
    country bumpkin

    It doesn't sound like there is any quick fix to this problem. Do you have a local phone shop you can take it too? (Someone who is knowledgeable with phones no matter what the brand).
    I'm sorry I can not give you further advice.

    Thanks anyway for your advice, there are a couple of repair shops close to us but if, the phone needs parts they can't help us. :(
    country bumpkin

    Best of luck to you. I hope it can be fixed.

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