    What kind of music do you relax to?

    Right now I'm listening to this sound stream as I sit under cover by the incredible veggie garden I created....

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    +13  Views: 4979 Answers: 17 Posted: 10 years ago

    17 Answers

    The Harp>>


    .... cuz yous an Angel Bunkin! ;)

    An Irish Harp ? ;-)
    country bumpkin

    I love the sound of a harp and I think they are beautiful instruments, beyond this I don't know much about them.

    Soft music with nature sounds (birds singing) in the background.    aaahhhhhhh......


    Likw the flapping of little Duckes wings,??

    ... like my backyard! I want to record it and post it on the web... rain and birdies cheeping .. ahhhh ... OH! There go some Mallards your Duckiness!! ;)

    Ahh yes lindi. I have a "rain" CD too.

    Different times different Music,at the moment No matter what,by Boyzone,


    Thanks lindy,but not quite {no matter what}but Vincent will do,xxx

    Thanks Miss Lindy,xxx

    Yer welcome handsome stranger ...

    Rock and roll from the 1960's and 1970's, with some 1950's thrown in for good measure, movie soundtracks, Celtic music, Christmas music,.  No rap or opera.   



    I was listening to 'one hit wonders' of '70-71.... it was wild because most of the songs are still big hits on retro-radio!

    W-O-W! You're right. I hear these songs quite often on the oldies stations I listen to (one of them AM; what a sound). I especially like "Spirit In The Sky"; great stuff.
    Thanks, lindilou; I'll be enjoying this album often.

    MsBob is there an actual album of the 200 Greatest songs of the '60's. if there is i will look out for it, love that decade. :)

    And they said it wouldn't last!

    It would be a collection, Bulletman. Check out what lindilou suggested; it has a ton of good stuff and will lead you to more good stuff.
    Ducky, 'they' say a lot of things, most of it worthless.

    Glad "they" were wrong. :)

    My dad didn't care for rap either. He used to say, "Rap is crap, and that's not all. I drives your father up the wall". Good old dad. Gosh I miss him.

    My dad would never have listened to rap for one minute. He liked Dean Martin and Guy Lombardo. When the garage became the den/playroom, he installed a stereo and speaker system so records or 8 tracks could be heard throughout the house. Nice for parties. He taught us some funny songs. I miss my dad, too. We have our memories, though.

    bulletman you are gonna love this link and once there you just click on whatever songs you want to hear here >

    Thanks, Lindilou for the link, brought back many memories watching The Who, i saw them in concert way back in 1965. :)


    Lights off, burn some candles, kick back and relax to Pink Floyd.



    ....oh ya baby .... sweet escape!

    sounds romantic, if you were a guy :-)

    Both kinds.Country & Western.:)


    Lindy that is soooo COOL! If you want to get me excited about a piece of music,just throw in a bit of banjo strummin' EEEhar!
    BTW.How are you & your gorgeous girls?

    Awesome... except they're still teenagers driving me wild!!! eeeeeeeee! ..but that's normal ain't it? Turn up the tunes! 8D

    The sounds of nature are wonderful, I can't reside where those sounds are not available to me  daily. When this area goes to developers, I'll move where I can hear the whispering  shadows dancing in the moonlight along the shores of a clear running stream...sneaking out to  sea.


    are wonderful, I cannot reside where those sounds are not me day. When thi to  I'll move to where I can hear tispering  shadin the moonlight along the shores of a clear running stream sneaking . 


    Robert, In the early 90s, I listened to a whole cassette tape of Loon calls at 5am when I was getting ready for work. It made those early morning hours a little more bearable

    ... beautiful .... by the way, that is a creek skirting my garden up above... zennnnnn.... ;D

    I can relax to almost any kind of music, one time I relaxed so much I ran my car into the garage I was so into the music.  :)


    LOL ... now that's loving the music! ;)

    It's really uncanny! maybe because I am a musician, I not only listen to the music, I inhale it! I listen for all the changes, timing, I hear subtle glitches, mistakes and in doing this, I lose contact with the world around me. I do not listen to music when driving, it has the same effect on me as does alcohol or texting. I only listen to talk radio while driving.

    I'm not a musician so I don't know why but I LOVE key changes in a song.

    key changes = Modulations. Modulations are really great, especially if the tune is redundant. a key change or modulation gives the music a new life! When I speak changes, I am speaking of the chord structure and progression of the chords, some fascinate me that they can get away with these changes. One of the biggest offenders of un-natural chord progressions is Antonio Carlos Jobim. 'girl from ipanema, meditation, Wave, etc. He is all over the place, changes that are not in the books! But his music is beautiful, and unique. Many musicians that tend to follow the rules to closely, they can not play his music because it breaks all the rules of modern music.

    Mostly all, except Rap Crap!

    Sat on the deck this afternoon and listened to the sounds nature and the neighborhood. It was music to my ears.

     mindfulness  sounds, those that be: leaves blowing, tree branches dancing, birds speak, train power, cars on a travel, feel the wind, breath……….

    Classical or blues mainly. But depends on my mood at the time it varies.


    No "Pitbull" then?

    No Roy, I'm the "Pitbull" fan but not for relaxing. lol

    My love of music changes all the time. I like Halleluja by anybody. See my page Susan Trivelpiece Moore Google +. 

    I also love Blue Grass music and just lately I have discovered the The Secret Sisters.

    Like Bob, I like music from the 60's. 70's, and 80's ... Sometimes the 50's is so much fun. (That's before everything got so serious)

    Soft, mellow music makes me nervous ... nature sounds, etc.


    Glad you popped in tonight!

    Steely Dan or Nat King Cole

    Barry White, Whitney, Roy Orbison, Prince, Mozart, Michael McDonald all kinds.

    ....depends on my mood

    ....from Barry White to Bobby Darin to Berlin


    The ''youngsters'' here, don't even know who these people are! lol
    I do.



    I agree

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