
    Two unmarried USA citizens are expecting a baby and plan to move to New Zealand so their child will have dual citizenship.  I have heard some countries require a newcomer to have a job, income, place to live, etc. before granting entrance. Does anyone know how New Zealand feels about a stunt like this?

    +6  Views: 1903 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Similar requirements are needed to move to the UK, you can read what you need to move to New Zealand on this site Phyllis.

    The only immigrant that I personally have any contact with at the moment, has been in Canada for more than 5 years. Our government (according to her) said they would help with everything...housing, employment, language training. Perhaps there was a language barrier  between her and the "government official" but so far, she's been offered/started at least 20 different jobs and never stays more than a few months! Why? People are prejudiced toward her! On top of that....HER words...."Canadians need to be educated about people from South America".

    Immigration is an interesting topic, for sure!


    Time for her to go on a vacation - back to South America. One doesn't go through that many jobs unless there is something wrong with "one". I know a bad attitude when I have one, and I'll betcha she's got one, too.

    She has been told that (not by me) and she thinks that means "prejudice". It is her attitude for sure! There's no helping her though. She won't listen.

    I think I would tell her that if someone were actually prejudiced against South Americans, she wouldn't have been offered the job in the first place. No one owes her a job because she is from S.A. or any place else. Someone takes a chance on you, you need to do what you are hired to do. (Just don't complain about it)

    Here's an additional piece of info. She was at one of her many jobs for about 3 months when an assistant manager position became available. The person who got the job, has worked there for seven or eight years. She didn't get it guessed it..."prejudice". Just one more of those people who believe that everyone is out to get her and it just has nothing to do with her own attitude toward others. Sad way to go through life. I really do believe that she will NEVER fit into life in Canada or elsewhere and should return to S.A.

    When someone believes everything is about her, it's called narcissism. She will most likely never hold a job for very long because of it.


    It happens over hear all the time,They do it to gain on the benifits of this country, i along with quite a few others would like this stoped,and we pull out of the E,U,


    "There oughta be a law".

    Yes Bob only allowed in if they are scratch bowlers,

    Never heard of it here or otherwise. Isn’t this a situation we call illegal immigration?


    People do it here all the time. Get just across the border in time to have the baby, now a US citizen because (s)he was born on US soil. Doesn't matter if the parents are illegal or not, the child has all the perks and benefits of being an American. I'm surprised you didn't know about this, J; it's been going on for years. :(

    I had no idea it was going on in N.Z. I don’t keep up with world news…..

    I doubt it is rampant in NZ; they seem to have some standards re: visas, from what I've read from ROMOS'S answer. I'm too bummed to hang out here. My dog disappeared this morning and we can't find her anywhere. Have placed ad in L/F and son looked for over two hours. She just disappeared. :(

    You must live a very isolated life Julie,Benifit scrongers,are hitting America and Great Britain to the hilt,

    Illegal immigration exists in many countries, for example Italy has had 30,000 illegals from Africa already this year! Also, the EC does not pay for these people, Italy has to pay the costs of feeding and housing them.

    I Was talking about the so called legal ones useing the E/U,to use about everthing from schools to our n/h/s etc,and sending back moneys for thier kids not even born here,N/P,

    I thought it to be the same in Australia, maybe Tommy or another could verify that?

    I have worked in NZ on several occasions and had to get a work visa to do so. Medical exam and accommodation were not necessary. Romos's post gives requirements.

    I loved NZ and wish I had settled there years ago.


    It does sound like a paradise. Hopefully, NZ will keep it pristine and not pollute it with people.

    Sadly people have caused many problems in NZ starting about 1000 years go when the polynesians arrived and quickly wiped out the moa, an ostrich sized bird, but the main trouble started with the Brits who destroyed much of the ancient forests and introduced animals which competed with the native fauna.

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