    Go down swinging

    My wife and i are looking at selling up our apartment ,Buy an old dunger,and do it up over a coupla years,I will then be 65 years old and Venny will be 70,,then sell up and retire into oblivion ,under a palm tree on a desert island,,,well maybe the last part is a bit of fiction,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,always nice talking

    +6  Views: 1387 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    Well old's the negative side.  We did that for years. thru a series of 11 houses.It was pretty easy to make money in the beginning but as we went on it became harder.People became more discerning & the price of building materials skyrocketed.You can still do OK as long as you buy the right house & can do about 95% of the work yourself.So good luck with it anyhow mate.Nothing ventured...nothing gained. :)

    terryfossil 1

    thanks mate,this will be our 5th house,,the main problem is our age and health,,however "when the going gets tough,the tough get going" i know it is a cliche,but it helps,,,,all the best to you Tom..........................................

    I lived through one renovation and I was young and healthy. I swore I would NEVER, EVER do that again and I never did. Dust and dirt everywhere, for months...YUK!!

    If you are both strong and in good health, it seems like a great adventure to embark on together. Where will you live while working on your project? It's tough to live "in the mess" while you're working on the next phase of construction.

    Rough job, remodeling. Are you sure you want to do this? Where there’s a will, there is a way I guess. Go for it if you are sure………..

    If you have the know-how and energy, go for it Terry, good luck.

    Are you prepared to put your love for each other to the test? Renovations can either make you or break you. Be prepared for blood, sweat and tears.The outcome may pay off beautifully.

    IF it comes about the best of luck terry,i can think of no better man that that i hope will succeed,

    terryfossil 1

    thanks for that mate

    If you feel up to it, go for it mate.



    Is that a Van Gogh ?
    I like your new avitar pic, Romeos. Looks like you're having a Marilyn Monroe moment, where your skirt blows up as you're walking over a vent.

    My thoughts concur with most of those who caution you and Venny to undertake the adventure only if you (1) have sufficient resources; (2) have the know-how to do most of the work yourselves; (3) have an incredible love that will survive the challenges; (4) can afford it; (5) are in the physical, mental, and emotional fitness needed to get through the demands. 
    Wishing you a successful adventure if you go through with it.  The (you name it) Book For Dummies has a series for home remodels, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.  May be a good place to start. You might be able to access some of the info online. 


    I have one rental property as my hedge on inflation, thought of more, but glad I kept it to one...  Not going to get rich, but always good to fall back on it when needed.  I am getting to age of thinking of just another few yrs. with it.  When market gets better, we will sell it.  Then either invest that capital in something, or travel some more to spend.  Our kids forbid us from leaving tons of money for them, while we do not enjoy life more.  Good kids, (must have taken after their mom). 

    terryfossil 1

    I know where you are coming from Ray,,We dont have a lot either,but when we go whatever is left will go to the grandkids,,i think they are going to need it,,,,,,,Always nice talking Ray

    and so with you Terry!

    It is always best to have a firm business plan and to do the due diligence on the property's you are speculating. Best of luck on your venture terry and Mrs. Terry.

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