    I want to help a puppy mill dog that has domance agression against strangers. So he can be Adopted to a family of his own, We are a licensed not for Profit No-Kill Rescue,

    This is a sweet, loving little Jack Russel mix. a little over 1 year, he is afraid of strangers, and will run to them barking and trying to bite them on their legs. He has done this to several people several times. Those people that he has chased several times are now his friends, and he likes them, and remembers them, gives them kisses. He didn't even know how to play, until I taught him. He likes cats and other dogs, He has this issue of when he is under stress he turns around and around until  he can get the end of his tail in his mouth, them he goes to sleep. I think it is because he wasn't socialized as a puppy or he was taken away from him Mother.

    +3  Views: 710 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    If you are a no kill shelter, you should already be set up to deal with aggression issues. Has he been vet checked? Have you discussed his aggression issues with the vet? This is a general question and answer forum called akaQA. The members here are all volunteer so the advice you get may not be from a professional that knows anything about animal behavioral issues. 

    Well done I am sorry I can't answer you question but I must say I hate puppy mills I am always signing petitions to get these barbaric places to be closed down paws for ever wish you all the luck fir this poor Dog paws for ever 

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