    The Astroid Problem Vs War

    My argument as I see it:We have a problem that we can all get behind and doing so completely obliterates all thought of war. This problem is astroid strikes...we have no control or say in this one issue...the potential of global extinction by some big rock in the sky...chicken little. Russia did not demonstrate their ability or willingness to eliminate that hazard in a five day opportunity window, for practice, if nothing else. We didn't even consider it beyond watching the event from the comfort of our Lazy-chairs. The land slide in Washington State drew a bigger audience. Oh, another beautiful day Thank God...he will save He/She will not save us. Christians and all other religions....perk-up! Take those earphones off and listen....This is a test. Is this world worthy of survival or not? There is a huge Rock in the sky coming our way and our choice nothing because we cannot get along well enough, long enough to be able to do what is needed to avoid this threat to all life here...OR...Maybe we can see what we need to do and be able to do on a much larger scale...proving our evolved thinking potential to take care of this problem before the end of time and life here. This problem is in our hands and lets PROVE it is not necessary to do anything and that we can't handle, if and when necessary .  

    +1  Views: 1590 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Time for these guys again!

    Bruce Willis
    Bruce Willis

    Billy Bob Thornton
    Billy Bob Thornton

    Ben Affleck
    Ben Affleck

    Liv Tyler
    Liv Tyler

    Will Patton
    Will Patton

    Steve Buscemi
    Steve Buscemi

    William Fichtner
    William Fichtner

    Owen Wilson
    Owen Wilson

    Michael Clarke Duncan
    Michael Clarke Duncan

    Peter Stormare
    Peter Stormare

    Ken Hudson Campbell
    Ken Hudson Campbell

    Max (as Ken Campbell)

    Jessica Steen
    Jessica Steen

    Keith David
    Keith David

    Chris Ellis
    Chris Ellis

    Jason Isaacs
    Jason Isaacs


    It worked first time round! 


    Is this a puzzle? Fill in the blanks? :)

    It worked first time round.
    There must be a time limit on the pics.

    Well then, your homework is all wrong. You must do it over. :)

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