    My granddaughters ages 9 & 7 are excellent at gymnastics. They scare me so bad when they vault off the couch or do flips and ... oh other things. I need to be quiet and let them learn, I guess. I think they should only do those flips when they are with a qualified teacher in a class. Should I forget my fears?

    sports, gymnastics, danger

    +4  Views: 718 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    Enter my vote for not in the house. It is not set up for safety like a gym filled with mats. Too many things they can land on or slam into and hurt themselves. Besides, it's just not the way to treat a home.

    Never ever ever ever again. Thanks, Colleen. I was .... stupid. They are so dang strong willed and so strong bodied it's just difficult for me. They didn't do it very long ... I took them outside and they decorated our driveway with colored chalk ... beautiful job.

    You were not stupid. You allowed them a little showing off time and then took them outside. In the future they can know that tumbling, flips, cartwheels etc., are for outside or an open gymnasium only.

    Thank you, Colleen. I sure learned a lesson. : )

    4 Answers

    My mother and grandmother would never have allowed such shenanigans in their homes. This kind of activity was for outdoors………...


    Out doors might be a little better ... but not much. : )

    I would confine that activity to outside the house, not in my living room. Sorry kids. 


    Another vote for OUTSIDE the house ... When my kids were growing up it was always an arm, an ankle, etc. We spent quite some time at the Orthopedic Surgeon's office. (Maybe they were just klutzes) It helps a little to read the posts ... a little, mind you. : ) Thanks, Ducky.


    I talked to my daughter this morning. She has exactly the same feelings that I do about those energetic little girls. We're going to curtail their activities. We don't want any broken necks. The only time they can do that stuff is when they ware at their class. Outside doesn't help much ... You'd have to see what they do. The older one likes to do flying cartwheels. Terrible. But she's sooo good.

    They probably know more about what they're doing than you S, I would just make sure there were no objects around them that they may hurt themselves with, (sharp table edges etc etc) Then sit back and enjoy them having fun.


    Sure sure ... Just "enjoy" I hear you. I know that's probably the way to think but sill ...

    I agree with you. The gymnastics need to be done in class, not the living room.  I hope the girls know they are absolutely forbidden to do that stuff at your house.  
    REALLY glad their mom agrees with you.  Perhaps a talk with the teacher could help; (s)he can talk with the girls about WHERE, WHAT, and HOW to practice at home. 


    Excellent idea. I'm sure the teacher has a lot more clout than their mother or me. Today the older one had a piano recital. I didn't go. COULDN'T GO. Those things last two long, long hours. As it turns out, I'm really glad I didn't go. She's going to quit piano. All the little girls wear frilly dresses and she wouldn't be caught anywhere in one. She will wear tights and a long shirt but NO dresses. Minds of their own, those girls.What happened: She wore a short skirt with shorts underneath. Mom didn't notice how short the top was until her daughter was on stage...Ho my, I am soooo glad I wasn't in attendance!!

    Too bad about quitting piano. My sons ALL took lessons for several years and two still enjoy playing today. The one who doesn't says he's forgotten everything, but I think, with the baby around, he may want to practice a little so he can play songs and sing with his son. I have the old upright piano my mom bought when I was in 1st grade and enjoy playing occasionally. I wish I'd play more often.
    My sons' recitals were a couple hours long, too, but I knew many of the children and their parents, and the teacher is a wonderful person. AND the recitals were held at the church I attended as a child. It was a very comfortable and informal time. I participated in several recitals, playing simple duets with my sons in their early years, and playing solo the year I took lessons. My sons also had the opportunity to participate at ajudication recitals at CSUF, and won trophies (a big deal). My eldest even performed at a celebration of United States composers at CSUF as a young teen. He played a composition of Scott Joplin. VERY cool.

    Her dad is a musician and plays guitar and sings in a band. The girls take after him. He saw it was time to stop when his daughter showed no interest in Piano.
    I'm glad you take pride in your sons.

    Not pride, itsmee, never pride. I am pleased when they are successful, but never say I'm proud of them. Of all the deadly sins, that's one I can easily avoid consciously. It was always a pleasure to attend the recitals and hear all the kids play their songs. Going to holiday pageants, talent shows, class programs, Peach Blossom Fesitival competition... I "produced and directed" two talent shows at the elementary school, and any student who wanted to participate got to do something. I played the piano for many singers and wrote an abbreviated Abbott and Costello "Who's On First" for two 6th grade boys who couldn't carry a tune. They were a hit! Working with kids, even coaching sports, has always been a great adventure for me. I'm sure you know what I mean, being a teacher for little ones.

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