    To All The Animal Lovers-Dogs Are Amazing...Bless These Dogs!!!

    I hope everyone can see this video.

    +7  Views: 1450 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    Super cute and inspiring!

    Thank you for sharing these Labs where these fur babies came from should rot in hell x

    5 Answers

    It's amazing to see how tentative they all were about stepping onto the ground. Like they weren't sure if it was real or would support them.  It was sad to see just how weak their legs were due to the lack of muscle because they got no exercise living in a cage where they could only stand or lay down. We may need animals for research according to some but I think animals used for research should be treated with the highest regard and the most compassion they can be given just for what they give to humans by living as test subjects and having to endure undue stress and physical and mental ailments due to the research. We really have to find a better way. No creature should have to suffer because of human needs. Bless those who save the lives of these animals daily. Animals are Soul too (I know some do not believe that). In spite of all they endured, these dogs still showed love when given love. Only Soul knows to do that.

    Thanks for sharing this. 

    country bumpkin

    Thank you for your comments. I feel the same way.

    Colleen well said well you know how I feel on these places if could swear on here I would I hate these people who do this to any animal they have no souls what so ever x

    I love that new avatar,A little bit of Texas in Scotland.Just like you.:)

    country bumpkin

    Thank you Tommyh. For some reason I have the feeling two or three people were offended by my cow tongue maybe because they think they saw something that was not there!
    I have a very dry sense of humour and I think this causes people to misinterpret me at times. It's sad that a simple image of a cow's tongue can be mistaken for something phallic especially when people know that I lived just three hours from Mexico and I love cows and Mexican food. Some people just need to take a deep breath and relax and not jump to conclusions!

    Ya darn tootin'again CB.LOL

    PS.Love the beagles too.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for the support! (*~*)

    Thank you ARME Beagle Freedom Project. These dogs have been saved. Some are not so lucky.

    country bumpkin

    Thanks for watching this video, Pyth. I see these videos everyday. It warms my heart to know there are still people willing to help the animals.

    Seen it before these Labs make me sick they think nothing of the animal what so ever I hate the world in what they do to animals all for money and there is still no proof that we need to use animals what so ever this has to stop thank you for sharing again theses Laboratories are nothing but EARTHSCUM   

    country bumpkin

    If I were rich a huge chunk of my money would be for helping animals because they don't have a voice.
    Roy and I are signed up on the internet with an animal rescue site and all we have to do is click on the site once per day and it helps to feed the dogs.

    Yes I do that one every day to click it's free it's a good site I must admit I sign about fifty petitions per day I hate humans really do well some of them who abuse animals and farmers they are the worst they only see dollars on the head of a animal they have no respect for them xxx

    CB: Would you send me info about that website, please.
    country bumpkin

    Yes, I'll send it to you later today. I have to start getting ready for a hair appointment later this morning and grocery shopping.

    OK, I cried, and hope every one of them has been adopted to a  person or family who will love and care for them every day of their lives.  Nearly every dog I've ever had has been from a box in front of the grocery store, or the last of the litter, or one that made its way into our yard...except for the puppies we found abandoned on a ditch bank  in the middle of winter or stumbling through the orchard or covered with tics standing in the school yard... well, you get the picture. No one came with a pedigree and couldn't have been loved more.

    country bumpkin

    I love hearing this about the dogs you've made a home for, we were the same way.

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