    My husband was walking into the store with me when all of a sudden his ankle gave out on him. We returned to the car. Have you ever had anything like this?

    He's in a lot of pain. There was no incident before this happened. He's 64.

    0  Views: 350 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Get him to the Doctor Susan.


    Go figure!


    Age? I will probably do it.
    He won't go.
    clonge I see you had an answer but it got lost or something.
    He WILL go tomorrow. Beer and ice packs are for the best right now. I lost my head there for a minute.

    I was walking home from the store about 4 years ago. All of a sudden my left leg went totally numb. I literally walked home on one leg. My luck ran out in front of my house and I fell on the sidewalk. My neighbors helped me inside and after a few minutes, I was back to normal. It never happened before, and never happened since. It was scary. In retrospect, I should have called 911 in case I was having a stroke. 


    There's always a reason mate.

    I found your answer. It isn't a stroke it's just ankle pain. YES, YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED 911. His isn't a stroke. Yours was something that need to be reported. I'm on the net checking stuff out and scurrying around getting him a beer -,etc- "No... you can't drink two at a time," I said.

    This is a common reaction when a man is taken shopping. Next time leave him at home with a few beers and he should be OK.


    He had to show severe pain before he got that beer. He has been down all day. He showed plenty of pain. ow ow ow.
    We have shopped for food together all our life together
    PS Beer helped the pain.

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