    I live in Portugal Ferragudo and I wonder if there are any cycling clubs nearby. I am 16 and I would prefer with some people with my age.

    +1  Views: 613 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    This is a worldwide general question and answer forum. The members here are from all over the world. I myself live in the USA and I couldn't tell you if there are cycling clubs here in my own area let alone yours.

    It's difficult for the members to answer a question like this if they do not live there or know the area. Try asking the kids your age. Check the town counsel or any recreational departments you may have there.  Your school mates might be able to help you find a club. You will be your best help if you just get out there and investigate. Talk to neighbors. Anyone that you can think of that may know if there is a club in your area. Good luck and happy cycling! :)

    A random guy

    Thank you much for your answer. I asked this question because I am not good in looking in websites for information in the hope someone else could find it better for me. I cant talk Portuguese very well but I will try!

    I tried checking Google maps because it's usually pretty good at pinpoint what you're looking for in an area. It just gave me a list of actual clubs. Like the ones people pay to join.
    A random guy

    So no good results?

    No. Just random stuff that did not seem to apply. Like I said, it seemed to want to target clubs that you need to join and pay a membership fee for.

    Call you town hall,or city offices, and ask them. Or, go out and ask other 16 yr. olds. Don't you go to school ? You're going in the right direction, b/c cyling is better for you than electronic  games all the time.

    A random guy

    I go to a private school with only 100 students in total and none of them have any idea. Most of the other kids around my age I have asked and also know nothing. I dont play video games all the time but I just want to be able to have fun when my friends are around. Without limits.

    Have you ever considered creating your own bicycling club?
    A random guy

    Might not even be a bad idea, I will certainly think about it.

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