    Do you have an immigration problem in your country ?

    Here in the UK we have a serious problem, and it's getting worse. My son works on a building site in North London, these sites employe a lot of immigrants(mainly from Eastern Europe). He locked some of his and his colleagues tools, and a lot of electrical cable in a container in the site compound Monday . During the early hours of Tuesday someone who lives nearby heard someone on.the site, they phoned the police, who attended quite quickly and caught some Romanian Immigrants( these are the latest breed of immigrants aloud into Britain) loading my son's tools and equipment into the back of an old car. They had a key to the gate so they managed to get in without a lot of trouble, strangely some Romanian Immigrants had recently been employed on the site ( oops must not jump to conclusions). One of the people arrested had been caught two weeks ago doing the same thing somewhere else, my son said to the police, well he'll be locked up now , and the answer was don't hold your breath, they have human rights. 


    +7  Views: 720 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Happens all the time up here in Scotland Dave, there are gangs of Romanian gypsy shoplifters who travel all over the country stealing to order and selling their stuff in pubs and clubs etc, and of course with the economy the way it is,there are always people who will buy from them, these gangs are all organised as are their "beggars" who are transported to different towns every 3 hours or so, this is a method to throw off police involvement, the high street in my town has never had so many beggars, saying that , there are genuine immigrants who come here to work but they are few and far between.


    They even selling The Big Issue on the streets around here, taking the jobs of the unemployed.

    We have a lot of Albanians, right here in the suburbs of Detroit.They're muslim.We have many Arabs too and Asian Indians and people from Indonesia.

    We do have what I consider a serious problem with illegal immigrants.  While I'm not aware of incidents like yours here, we openly allow our illegals to have food stamps and cash aid and WIC and Section 8 housing and Medi-Cal and their school aged children get ESL classes and the preschool aged children get Head Start and the banks and stores all make sure they hire people who speak the illegal immigrants language so they don't even have to assimilate into our society.  Some of the illegal immigrants are members of very notorious and merciless gangs from their country of origin.  So, now we have more issues with gangs here, too.  Oh, and the drugs, don't forget the drugs being catapulted over our borders now.  You could be riding your ATV in the desert and get hit on the head by a flying sack of pot.  
    Do I sound irritable?  


    No.You tell it like it is, PKB

    The theft of a working man's tools is despicable but it has been going on since the beginning of time when a caveman stole the flint tools of another. The only difference is that in days gone by the matter would have been solved with pickaxe handles but now the whole panoply of the legal system has to be involved.

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