1 Answer
Not according to this article..http://www.daviecountyblog.com/schools-closed-2-14-2014/ Best to check with local radio etc.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
It took for someone clear across "The Pond" to answer a question about schools in the US! Judging from the question ("close") even if the schools are closed, maybe one can be broken into to learn spelling. On the other hand maybe "close" as in location is appropriate. If they're on wheels, they might move from one place to another. It's also possible that the "d" just didn't take upon typing. Just trying to cover all bases!
chances are, that's what was meant. The Carolinas and a great deal of the East Coast have been devasted by ice and snow storms.
Yep, CBs son lives in SC, hasn't been able to move his car for a few days now, I also know someone who is on a golfing vacation there, not getting a lot of golf in. :(
I live in NY and haven't been able to move my car since 2/2! Compacted snow, slush and ice 6" thick in front of my driveway. < 5 weeks til spring. Maybe it'll melt by then!
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