    One in four Americans unaware that Earth circles Sun! please tell me that this is a joke. :-/

    0  Views: 472 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: gulp. science.

    2 Answers

    If you could meet the people who have managed to graduate high school in say the last 15 years, you would understand this. The government took over the learning curriculum and have steadily been dumbing down the kids. We have a sever lack of educated people graduating high school now. Kids do not pay attention in class anymore and they do not have to. The teachers are not allowed to discipline kids who do not pay attention or do not do their classwork.  The educational system is a mess here. 

    Grit Savage

    Dumbing down is becoming the norm in western society. give it a few years and the powers at be will have their uneducated unquestioning very pliable and disposable work slaves that are so important to the wealth of capitalist dictatorships. I wish the silent majority would snap out of the comfortably numb xfactor/fox/media/rubbish/bland/celebrity gossip etc etc coma they have been sucked into for the last few decades and complain (or vote out) to the people they (allegedly) voted in to represent them in the first place. we live in a very messed up world right now.

    Simple solution, take education out of the hands of the government and put it back into the hands of the educators. It's time for people with kids in the school system to notice their kids are not learning and do something. The trouble with voting candidates for office is that non of them include education as part of their platform. It seems to me that since Hillary Clinton's "it takes a village" (back when Bill was president)idea failed so badly, no one since has been overly concerned about education here.

    What Colleen said is true. Young peoples' spelling, puncuation , and grammar is atrocious. Look at the comments and questions they put on here........and they don't proof read them,or consult a dictonary or spell check .The kids in my state did so bad on the state test, that the test was discontinued for a few years so a comiittee could dummy it down so the kids could pass it. In the 70s, phonics was passe' . So, now, we have a whole generation of adults who can't read a word that they've never seen before. They guess at it.


    I so agree m,c,m,it wernt like that in our days,

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