    put the money you illegally took from my account without my authority - police will be told

    what is this crap of welcome to akaQA? bank and police are being told of your illegal activities - put money back in my account now and do not contact or hassle me again after the money is deposited in my account -I AM NOT ASKING, I AM TELLING YOU.(Profanity removed by moderator)

    -2  Views: 873 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago




    So sorry ken, money is all gone, if I had got your address, I would of sent you a post card, to thank you for the great time I was having.


    Still chuckling.

    You know Ken, if you would just tell us who you are yelling at, we might be able to find their contact information for you. As you've already been told, this is akaQA, also known as questions and answers. This is a free question and answer forum. All the members here are volunteers who love to have a bit of fun with people who lose their way on the internet and end up here yelling at us for something someone else did. Who exactly took money from you? How did they get your bank info? Did you post it out on the internet for anyone to see? Seems you're not very internet savvy. I've seen people post every personal detail they can think of on open forums. All computer owners should have to go to school and get a license to use a computer safely before they end up on the internet yelling at strangers and making all sorts of silly threats.

    Double you tee ef Ken?

    7 Answers

    akaQA is a free general question and answer forum where members who are volunteers world wide help answer questions. Becoming a member of akaQA does not involve any sign up fees. I can assure you the money that has been taken from your bank account has nothing to do with akaQA.

    ken copley

    I am not a volunteer, stop the crap and put my money back into my account that YOU took ILLEGALY

    I suggest you get your facts right before making these wild accusations.

    CA-CHING!! Thanks for the contribution.Send the cops,the FBI,CIA.DEA & anyone else you can find in the alphabet soup.Who cares.You money will not be used for any worthwhile purpose.

    We on akaQA do not take money from anyone. 


    This is just for you, Tommy (and Mr.Copley): Maybe this can be resolved in a "kangaroo court"?

    Haha! Nah! They'd "bounce" him straight outta the place.LOL

    a bit more information is needed here fella,if you cannot give it,use the same door you came in,dont slam it on the way out...................i hope it has been nice talking........................................


    He's stuck in a revolving door. He just can't leave.He's also getting very testy (see above).

    His tie may be me wrench it this way a little...oh...oops..Ken? Ken are you still breathing lad? KENNNNN!!!!! ;O

    The money was already given to the police. They were supposed to have returned it to you by now, but saw a great investment opportunity instead: I posted a  picture of a donut shop. I don't know what happened to it. Anyway, there's been nothing more from Mr. Copley. Maybe the "coplies" returned his money or he just gave up.

    ken copley

    stop this <cuss word removed by moderator> crap and put the money back into my account

    "-I AM NOT ASKING, I AM TELLING YOU?" Watch the language! What is it about pythonlover's and Colleen's answers don't you understand? I contacted the "copleys" for you and they provided the attached photo. Stop by and have a free coffee! I researched the following and still couldn't find anything about your money. Lastly, why aren't you a volunteer? It's nice to lend your services for free and it might help you diffuse some of that anger. Think about being a greeter in the bank that took your money. "You might even get to the bottom of this!"




    Clonge, I know its not really funny, but I could not help sending him another message, lol

    Take a break Ken! You are PO ed at the wrong folks!  We just answer general questions about life! You are PEED about something but it isn't us  Chill down and get in touch with the perp of your   problem.


    yeah, Chillax, Ken !

    Hi ken, how are you, Im having a great holiday, sorry you could not come with me. Maybe next time  eh.


    He has no sense of humor. See below.


    if you post up your account number, pin number, passwords and current address im sure lots of people will be very willing to help you out  ;-)

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