    To cut down our cable bill, we are thinking of getting Rabbit Ears and canceling cable. Do you have rabbit ears and if so, do they work?

    This question could get quite lengthy. With this question, I'm just opening up the discussion.  P.S. Our Cable bill is about $200.00 a month. Rabbit Ears sound so 1950 or something.

    +5  Views: 814 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    bring back the 50s ! It was so much better then :-)

    8 Answers

    I wasn't aware that "rabbit ears" still existed. I only remember them from the '50s or maybe early '60s. They sure didn't work very well then.


    I'm with you, Ducky. It may be that they've changed. Gotten longer? or something ....(I didn't mean that as a joke.)

    What are/is rabbit ears ? I've never heard of this in relation to electricity.

    Look here...(See those 2 things sticking up in the air?)

    Well, Hmmm .... If people are truly using these old-fangled rabbit ears, maybe they have Three Ears now.
    Maybe the person who suggested we use them was joking? I dunno. I plan to find out. I have my ways ... I will get back at him. Muhahaha. I could say something like , "Well, I hear Cable is going up to $400.00 a month."
    Only 30 people have looked so far ... I'm waiting' and hopin'

    Oh I see now I know what you meant, Very 1950's but I've never heard it called that before. Thanks ducky.

    This is the place where we can stay up on almost everything.

    Uh, we still use rabbit ears and they work on regular channels……...

    @Julie.. What are "regular" channels?

    CBS, NBS, ABC, PBS, and FOX……..

    Okay, thanks.

    I still have rabbit ears on my kitchen TV which we bought in the 90s. They were in use till the gov said we all had to switch over to a digital box.Than I had cable installed in the kitchen TV .

    You can pick up a “rabbit TV” and get all the shows on your computer.  It cost $10………..


    My answers are sometimes double because this computer is really touchy. I'm sorry.

    My screen is too small. I'd have to watch all alone. Always. Maybe I'll go to Target tomorrow and get one.

    sometimes my answer is printed on here twice.I try to delete the 2nd one, but it doesn't work

    It happens to me ALL the time. I think part of the problem is typing very fast. The other may be a problem with the computer. Sometimes I delete the second one and try to say something different. You cannot take it away....wait, I'll try.

    When the stupid government mandated digital t.v. signals, I lost all major channels (4, NBC in NY) and (5 Fox in NY), are the only ones I get. I have rabbit ears. Even if you get them, you might not get any stations even though you may have a digital t.v. I saw some kind of device in a store today that supposedly overcomes this. I was in a hurry so I didn't study it.


    That would be the "digital converter box/antenna" that I was referring about in my answer....It's the ONLY way around the new system.....(so far)........

    I read all this to my husband ... Is this called the ROKU?

    All you should have to do is ask somebody at the store to show you the "digital antennas". They'll know what you mean...Happy shopping...I'll meet you there to get mine!

    The Roku is a high definition streaming-content player. With this you don't need an antenna or cable. It can also access digital services such as Spotify, Flickr and facebook. I don't have one but if you get one can you let us know the result? (about $50)

    since we were forced to go to digital, you really need to get a roof antenna, if you don't have cable
    wonderer would HAVE to be a DIGITAL ROOF ANtENNA...Don't know who has them...if they even have been invented yet...Great IDEA...the problem is that they will have to compete with the cable company on the signal issues...Oh ya...The rooftop ant. would need to be "amplified", adding to the cost...the digital satalite companies will get their foot in the door, and all of a sudden, dish service starts to look better to everyone...bottom line...the switch over is another governmental issue...and ours as well. Just FYI...while I'm hear...The NSA uses digital tracking stuff to get info from us. Not analog signals,IFyou go digital...through ANY means...they know more about you than you want them to...

    Every system is going digital...if not in your area now, it will be laws...Go to Target, Walmart, or somewhere LIKE that to get a "Digital box" to receive all your local channels...a one time payment of about 30 to 69 dollars...depends on what brand you want...or if you want basic or amplified...kinda' like "high tech" (digital rabbit ears)...GOTTA' have one for every T.V....since they basically act as the tuner...Bad law...BAD,BAD LAW...


    I am soooo confused, Tomorrow I'll go to some shops and find out more about this "Digital Box" To me almost anything sounds better that this $200.00 a month cable bill. My husband has been calling the cable company today. Every time he talks to them the person has an accent that he doesn't understand. They talk for awhile and then there is a big disconnect.................Arghhh.

    I'm sorry...I misspoke, it is called a "digital antenna". & WOW...that IS an expensive bill! Good luck at store...:)

    Everything is going Digital and I think in Analog. Not good for an old-fashioned girl like me!

    We have been on digital for a year or so.It's fantastic.We only use it as backup when the cable goes down.

    I do not have to get rabbit ears, mine are large like Elephant ears! 


    We could be related , I have a bald head and big ears. Hello burg.

    Don't do it Itsmee!

    You will regret it.

    can'i you have an outdoor antennae installed.

    You will be perpetually mucking around with rabbit ears trying to get a reception.


    Just for the record...roof antennas are only big rabbit ear antennas...ANALOG RECEPTION ONLY...IF you want to watch T.V., YOU NEED A DIGITAL ANTENNA...or a satellite dish...

    Wonder, do you have Satellite as well as Cable, as for tv you can't go past a digital antenna

    I didn't even know they still sold analogue TV antennaes.Of course I meant have a digital antennae installed.We have had one for the past 12 months & the reception is perfect.

    up untill a few years ago, my kitchen TV was operating on one rabbit ear antenna. Then, I got a dig box and the TV still needed the antenna. I had the two rabbit ears for the TV in my bedroom, but when they came up with digital, I never did get a dig box for that TV, so it doesn't work.Don't have cable in my bedroom.


    I just spoke with my daughter. She lost the ability to use her Nook. Apparently she's in the middle of a good book. She had just got off the phone with India. She had a hard time understanding the tech. My daughter was unable to find the button to turn the nook off. She feels really stupid She spoke to India for an hour. I just had to tell someone.
    I think we should all be 14 and male.

    to cut down oncable bill, revisit the channels to have and remove those you don't need. Ifyou are not watching much tv, get a dish with one time expense and it will pay for itself. Rabbit ears are a thing of the past.


    I'm not sure but I think Rabbit Ears are the newest thing ... I'm so confused.

    Itsmee, do you have Tandy's over there or a similar electrical specialty shop, they would have portable digital antanna's, just what you need, forget the rabbit ears they went out with the ark.:)

    bulletman: We have a Tandy type place. It's called Radio Shack. My husband is the tech person at our house. Now my husband says a portable digital antenna is probably just what we need.(What you said, of course) We went to Radio Shack and both of us got confused and we bought a whole bunch of stuff. Now, I think we will return and be a bit more peaceful. We have already got our money returned for our wild night at the Tandy-type place. HA HA <--HYSTERICAL LAUGH!

    sawali: Rabbit ears are gone. Our TV is on all night. I sleep with it on. : (

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