    It's 4 AM. I can't sleep. I have had holiday dinners with this sweet and naive woman for 12 years. I hear now that she was attacked by a street person. He pushed her into an empty warehouse and hurt her. He "touched" her. He bit her cheek. She carries a bible with her all the time. I imagine she was trying to bring him to the holy word. She and I don't discuss religion. She is such a nice person. Small. Never married. Took care of her sick mother until it was too late to get into a relationship.

    relative attacked by street person. : (((  

    +1  Views: 492 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Has she reported this assault to police ? Your friend needs all the support she can get at the moment, is someone able to stay with her ?


    I called her an offered her our spare bed and bath. I just spoke to her machine. She's elderly (72) and I think this incident will just do her in.
    I forget it. Then I remember and cry. Oh, PL. I hope hope hope I hear from her tomorrow.
    My youngest granddaughter, age 3, absolutely loves the kindness and attention she receives from her. My little one will be devastated without her. I don't think anyone else will quite do.
    PL: I just thought of something ... tomorrow when I write her a letter with a stamp I will mention her tiny friend. That might help.
    She doesn't have a TV and she just recently got a radio so she could listen to preachers and Fox Radio. She's very conservative and not of this generation at all. I'm cryin' Thank you. xxx
    She's with her brother now who is a retired policeman. She reported the assault but I don't think she'll ever ever tell her story. : (
    I'm going to take a Xanax. I gotta sleep.

    What a kind hearted lady she is, cares about others before herself. There is some good in the world, I can understand why you worried about her itsmee.


    She knows very few people but I am fortunate to be able to call her friend. My daughter and I will do all we can. A stamped-letter today. Flowers the next ... and then ... I don't know what. I wish she would contact me or my daughter. Thank you sunnyB. There are many good people here on akaQA. I am glad for you all. xxx

    And she needs medical attention and blood work, as a bite could be fatal, regardless of his AIDS status. 


    I think she's probably had this because she's filed a report with the police. That must have been so hard for her. Ten years back I did all the training for Rape Crisis, Unfortunatley, I was not able to follow through and do the job and had to have another well-trained woman cover for me on my very first case. I do know how difficult it is to report and then have the kit. I'll try to find out how things are going today but I am well aware that she may just want to hide out for awhile. I woke up at 7 and didn't get much sleep at all. I'm a mess. I appreciate your caring. xxx

    So sad hearing about your friend but I can’t help but wonder what the situation was before her attack. I by no means thinks she asked for it but could it have been avoidable? The attacker was obviously mental, I do hope she reported it for the safety of others……….


    She has lived in the same house all her life. To her it's just home. To me it's the dangerous part of town. She could well afford to live in a nice senior place or in a lovely apartment on the right side of town but she just doesn't understand. We have talked to her about moving but she always says "My house is my fortress." It isn't. I can well imagine that the situation before the attack was her trying to bring the street guy to the Lord. So sad. She is as naive as a seven year old but she was able to hold a good job with the post office for many years.She can drive and pay her own bills.
    She is unaware that there is evil or insanity in anyone.
    I heard this AM that the police might know who the guy is. I sure hope so for the safety of all women.

    So do I……...

    My friend called this morning. I was more relieved than you can imagine! Apparently she goes about her area of town giving out food to the people on the street and then she prays with them or directs them to how to contact the lord. (Just as I thought)
    She said that she remembered her back being on the cold cold cement and the bad guy being on top of her. She said after that she doesn't remember anything except when he took a big bite out of her neck/cheek.
    She says she sleeps well, has no nightmares and is doing fine.
    I wonder if Post Traumatic Stress Disorder comes in weeks or months after the incident. She will be going to court and they have caught the guy! : ) She said he ran away when she called out JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!
    She says that's a powerful word.
    I've never been a church goer but that just has to make anybody think . This post goes to all who responded. Big thanks.

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