    What was your happiest time? When you had no cares or you had money, you get my drift.

    Perhaps you found the love of your life or discovered someone new to you……..

    +5  Views: 610 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    A really good time in my adult life was in my mid 20's, when I had a wonderful, simple, fulfilling relationship with a good man named Gary.  We had a small place together, enjoyed camping and fishing, he bowled with me one summer, and we got along really well.  We had a cat named "Rocky" (a wuss of a puss) and a parakeet named "Burt" and a dog named "Ernie".   
    I worked an 8-5 and he worked an 11-7 (graveyard).  When I got home from work, he would have dinner waiting.  When he got home, I'd have breakfast waiting.  It worked out well and the nights we had together were "well-spent". We lived together for one day less than nine years.   Good times.



    Psst! Don't look now but I think you have a stalker.LOL

    NO WAY, Tommy! That message is for Julie. It was here before I posted my answer. I was going to respond FOR her, but, hey, Julie knows how to knock it out of the park.

    OOOPS! Sorry Phil.I meant to put that comment in Julies box.

    ive heard that one before Bob,hm,hmm,hmmm,

    I think my happiest time was the couple of years after the kids had all left home before our eldest was diagnosed with MS. Maggie & me had all the time in the world to do what we liked.Go for a drive to the beach at sunset,See a movie,That sort of thing that we never get the chance to do now.


    If at all possible, find a way to make those times happen once in a while. You have a lot of responsibility, but you owe yourself and Maggie those special moments. If I was there, I'd do whatever I could to help!

    I know you would.I'm not complaining.Life is still good we just do it a little differently now. :)

    And you do it well! Your life is filled with who you love!

    I think  between 20 & 30 years  is the time i had it easy, no care in the world, pots of money, going over seas, enjoying a trip to The U.S., the Aussie Dollar went a long way then, going shopping, any thing i liked, i pay cash money, no debt in sight --- those were the days. :)


    Did you punch any cows in the U,S,Or become a bushwacker,or Redneck etc,

    No i never got a chance, i was taken back when asked ' Where is Australia'. The thing that impress me was a machine in the wall that dispensed money, at that time we did not have A.T.M's -- Americans love our accents, don't know why, it so corse.

    Iknow its so cute when they say have a nice day,instead of see yea,when they say goodbye,

    When i had a cowboys suit for my birthday,


    Hey Hec, join the club i got one for my sixth birthday, guns and all. -- nothing plastic then. :)

    can you cend me your cell phone number i can chat and talk to you


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    He or She might be quite intresting,

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