    What was your best day ever? (Birth won't count : ) )

    life experiences

    +6  Views: 853 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    8 Answers

    My best day ever has not yet been had because I keep having days that are better than the ones before...heh...go two days ago swimming where I watched my little Storm go diving underwater and twirling like a mermaid...I nearly cried it was so wonderful seeing her able to swim like that again itsmee...just wow!!!!


    I'm crying as I see her. just wow!!! I think about Storm and wonder ... Thanks for the update!

    Isn't she? I little Storm-trooper!

    Regards and best wishes for a full recovery for Storm...

    On a personal note Lindy.It always amazes me when people express sympathy for me having a disabled daughter.They have no understanding of the admiration we have for these wonderful little battlers.Their strength,courage & determination is inspiring.You are doing a great job Lindy.I'm proud of you.(& Storm).Tommy.

    Thanks Tommyh and right back atcha brother...I see our children as disadvantaged rather than disabled...they teach us so much of love..of courage...and of great patience...and to not sweat the small stuff! Awesome. xox LL

    Probably the day I won a lot of money on the 1999 Melbourne Cup Horse Race.I took a boxed Trifecta. It was a day of celebrations.


    I want to ask how much but shouldn't snoop. I don't know trifecta... but should. If you tell, I'll find it in the AM. I'm falling over. It's 2:17 am

    Rogan Josh.Another Cummings triumph.

    I was going to say watching my first daughter being born, that was a lifetime ago, i would say getting married again for the second time, i really enjoyed it. ( the whole day ).


    <3 <3 I think this is a song but I'm not sure ...
    Love is lovelier the second time around. .... la la la!

    My best day ever was when I got my diagnosis for Attention Deficit Disorder. My entire life I had battled that with the confusion, depression, and missing the mark so often. It was a difficult way to live. But I married well, had kids, did what other people did .............................................................................................................................................

    When I got the diagnosis at age 50 I found out what it was like to ... be like other people, complete tasks, work my computer really well, do a bunch of fancy stuff on the computer, not get lost when I went around the corner, correct my paintings, write with some ease.  I can't say how wonderful it was. The medicine and the understanding that went with it gave me MY BEST DAY EVER. (Maybe that should be the name of my book!)


    itsmee - oh my - well done you seems to me you have done very wellx0

    Yes, Poppy I have done fine. I have a good husband who totally understands me. I've been with him since I was a child.( Every now and then he takes out the leash and takes me for a walk in the sun shine.) There are others who have this condition that very few people understand. Because of the lack of understanding they go to drugs or alcohol. ADD people kind sit in the corner and commit no crimes. : ) If they have the right jobs they'll do ok. I did have the right jobs.

    ADHD in boy --> are the ones who REALLY have trouble. They drive their mothers and their teachers crazy. A lot of times their medication is taken away and they go way weird. They are the ones who do sometimes go to drugs and crimes. There are Chiropractors and holistic people who say they can fix it. They can't.
    If our world continues on, of thing on my wish would be that this condition is understood by doctors and the right medication is prescribed. Doctors can diagnose it by the age of two or three.

    I have no idea whether young children should be prescribed medication. If I were prescribing, I'd wait till age 13 for boys. I might not even notice it in girls. (And I have it!) However, my prescribing psychiatrist saw it in me in about half an hour! I'd been looking for about 50 years! xxx Because of my age I could only take Adderal for 5 years ... if only I had been diagnosed at age 30. IF ONLY.

    Yes I was one of the teachers who dealt with kids some of who were not yet diagnosed, and many years ago, none were yet. I only was glad that with my teaching at an agricultural vocational school, there was much outlet for all kids who needed to use their hands and stay motivated. I think that the work caretaking of animals was therapeutic for most students.

    I AGREE WITH BUSTIONE. 100 per cent.

    I was in an online group where ADD/ADHD was discussed. Boy! that got place got hot. I really can't see serious medicine given to young children. They were fighting for it.
    I don't know what would have happened to me if I'd been prescribed medicine as a child. It happened like it happened.
    What is needed for ADHD kids is space to run, an build, and paint building, and grow plants, cook good meals, give care to animals, compose rock music and/ or symphonies, etc., run with the bulls ... oh, you know. If they're really bright (and most are) they could be channeled into physics and math classes very early. I'm glad that it's understood now ... however, it isn't understood everywhere.
    I started an ADD group in this little town I lived in just before we moved to this Big town. I just wanted to put a little ad in paper but what happened? The reporter and TWO guys with big cameras came to take my story! It was almost unknown in the little town I lived in ten years ago. There were no psychiatrists, even. Hey Hanford! Hi there!
    The group stayed small. And then ... I didn't follow through. : )

    Hi itsmee, Everything said by you and Bustieone seems so right - Doctors so very often jump in prematurely with medication. I have come to realize since I have had so many medical problems how they so readily prescribe drugs - even the Consultants but have so little regard for the side effects, perhaps if they were receiving these - many with so many side effects they would understand. Just love what Bustieone says working with animals - animals are so therapeutic - they are just amazing!

    I’ve had many wonderful days but what comes to mind first was my last birthday, we went to participate in a live performance of THE PRICE IS RIGHT. We had a blast and I got my picture taken in front of THE WHEEL!!!!!!!!!


    Oh no!!! I've never seen THE PRICE IS RIGHT. I have never ever seen THE WHEEL. You can bet I'll be looking for it come tomorrow. It's on every afternoon?

    Every morning at 10:00 my time. Check your local listings!

    My best day was probably when I married my wife, followed by the birth of kids, and then grandkids. 

    I would have to say the day I met my gorgeous Maggie.Something went "POP" in my brain & a little voice told me "This is the one Boyo".I kept making excuses to run into her & much to my satisfaction realised she was doing the same thing.The rest is history.It's been a roller coaster ride & a good life.


    What a great memory, and you relive it every day! Wow, that would be an amazing feeling. I don't think I ever went "POP". Swoon, lose my breath, wow, but never POP.

    When I saw him walk toward me, my knees went weak. I had to hold on to the wall for a bit. I look back and think what the hay was soooo special about that man? Whatever it was ... it still is.

    What first came to mind was the day my middle son (the new daddy) was born.  It was  the best experience of the cousin's wife was the attending nurse and he was delivered by a midwife in a hospital room that resembled a regular bedroom. The births of my sons are the highlight moments of my life.   My eldest was a preemie and went directly to NICU; my youngest was labor induced, which resulted in severe back pain at the startling onset of major labor after 2 hours of peacefulness.   Very special days, indeed, but not necessarily "pleasant"...

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