    My part of the country is sad! A gunman killed 2 women in a grocery store the other night! This was in Elkhart Ind. Is ther an answer anywhere as to what we can do to prevent these crimes??

    +2  Views: 734 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Doubt it. There will always be criminals with or without guns. Reality is, there are bad people out there and people who like to kill. More police presence may help but most all towns in the USA have cut their police force due  budget constraints. Maybe a notice on the stores door stating it is a gun free zone would have helped.....


    The guy who did it came to the store often! He also had mental issues and admired famous serial killers. The police were on the scene within 3 minutes which prevented more deaths. Thanks for your response.

    This is exactly what the gun right supporters claim. We need better mental health services. People like this guy do not obey laws. Their mental facilities keep them from acknowledging laws. More gun laws do not stop people like him. Mental health services and the ability to deny him a gun because of his mental state is what needs to happen. Obama promised to look into getting more mental heath services available. He's done nothing except to continue his war on guns like they somehow get up and pull their own triggers.

    Unless bullets cost $5000 each, there is little that can be done. Murder can happen anywhere with all kinds of utensils.  God’s will and all of that………...

    Try taking away guns.  It will reduce crime. As for gunman, if found, give him hard labor not kill him. It is sad indeed.


    Again, you do not do much research before you say things do you? History has proven that removing gun rights from law abiding citizens empowers criminals and crime and violence goes up, not down. There is plenty of research out there that proves this.

    I thank you for your answer but I agree with Colleen. This does not stop killers! Where this gun came from is being investigated. This gunmen had a person on the floor preparing to shoot him! The police had no choice but to take him out!

    Looks like you are not in favour of gun control. SO keep them! I care less about research and rely more on intellect.

    Intelligence begins with research of previous experience. Previous experience shows that removing guns from the people destroys the power of the people and enslaves them.
    sawali I said keep the guns and watch horrific scenes unfold ongoing. Not many Presidents have been killed by guns except in USA and that is sad. So 'let the power of the people not be destroyed and not be enslaved.' Choices we make. Once again, I don't need research to tell me guns are good.

    LOL, perhaps not but other other presidents have been hanged or poisoned, blown up or had their head cut off. Please, people get killed by guns in your country too. Spend your time advocating for complete gun removal in Canada, then check back with me on how safe the people are in your country once there is no more guns there. Per capita according to population between Canada and the USA, Canada is right behind the USA in gun related deaths and I mean right behind us. US population 313.91 million (2012), Canada population 33,100,000 million (2012). I'll see if I can get those facts for you. I have them stored somewhere, just need to remember which folder. Kinda busy right now. Just know, I do the research you choose not to so that you can just talk what you think, not what you actually know.
    Yes we will keep our guns and right now many states are reversing their gun control because they have seen gun violence go up since new restrictions went in. some states are now looking at legalizing conceal and carry. They know the facts. They know if you arm the citizens, the criminals go back into hiding.

    Try to respond to the question which uses the word 'sad' in relation to gun related killings. Your research will not address the sad part of the question.

    What is sad is that you keep trying to look across the border to point fingers when your country has the same problems you fault the US for. Look to your own country. Look to your own leaders. Demand that they remove all guns from civilian ownership there. Once you do that, and all Canadians are no longer allowed to own a gun, get back to me about how safe you are then. Gun related killings are among the lowest numbers compare to other types of killings. Research it or remain ignorant. Your choice.

    I'd stay ignorant. It is sad that you cannot address the 'sad' in the question and spend time on research!

    I've done the research. You have admitted that you do not research. You just yip,yip,yip which accomplishes nothing. Now go see how many people doctors kill every year, how many people cars kill every year, how many people knives kill in a year, yup all 3 cause more deaths than guns do. By the way, here's a little side note, there is continued mounting evidence that Sandy Hook was a government created hoax created to push your hero Obama's gun grab. Stay tuned, the truth on that is about to be uncovered.

    How about you address the sad of all other killings in this world and stop fixating on just one form of killing because you want to feel superior and point fingers thinking your country is better than mine. People are murdered Canada too. Feel sad for ALL deaths. Do not cherry pick who to feel sad over. There, I addressed the sad in your question. Happy?

    Just answer the question and if you cannot, don't waste time on rambling. It's ok if you dont have an opinion. I have given my answer.

    I answered it. Let's see if you can find it. Not my fault you can not argue my valid points. Get out of la la world.

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