2 Answers
Mixing blue and green:
The four main colors that are produced mainly are turquoise, sea-form, teal and blue green if the color change is very mild. A color called aquamarine can also be produced.
The color that you would most likely produce when mixing blue and green together is teal. Examples of this color can be found on pictures through the following link: www.google.co.uk/search?q=teal&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm The color teal gets its name from the member of the duck family, the Common Teal because of its eye color. The first recorded use of the color teal was in England 1917.
Turquoise is a slightly more green form of the color light blue. The basis of this color comes from the semi precious gem Turquoise. There are many variations of turquoise such as pale turquoise, turquoise blue, turquoisegreen, bright turquoise, medium turquoise and dark turquoise, although the differentces between these colors can be minimal. For a better idea of what these colors look like, conduct a Google image search and compare them.
Aquamarine is described as a color that is a pale tint of spring green which has been more toned towards the color cyan. There is only one other variation of aquamarine which is medium aquamarine.
When it comes to mixing blue and green together and if you already have an idea of the color you want, then the best way to get this shade is to start off with a pure green color and then add the blue a bit at a time, mixing it up in between. It would also be useful if you have a picture of the exact color you want so that you can compare.
Source: http://arts-literature.blurtit.com/129803/what-does-blue-and-green-make
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |