    how to get password apple id

    0  Views: 460 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    You create one when you create an Apple account. If you have already done that but have forgotten your password, follow these steps:

    1. Go to My Apple ID ( and click “Find your Apple ID”.

    2. Enter your first name, last name, current email address, and any prior email addresses that you might have used to create an Apple ID. Apple uses this information to search for Apple IDs.

      • If no Apple IDs are found, follow the onscreen instructions to create an Apple ID.

      • If one Apple ID is found, choose whether to receive an email from Apple or answer security questions. Both options will conclude by asking you to reset your Apple ID password. Follow the instructions provided. 

      • If multiple Apple IDs are found, select the one that matches your current email address. Then choose whether to receive an email from Apple or answer security questions. Both options will conclude by asking you to reset your Apple ID password. Follow the instructions provided. 

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