I opened all the packaging to find this was not right!...Receipt says they can only return money if packaging is complete/unopened..Waterstone Book shop..their word against mine?/Stronger case?(No pun intended)!..Thanks..I want refund today!
2 Answers
Who told you it was the right one? A worker at the bookstore? Even still they do have a written return policy. At least let them know you were led into purchasing that one based on their employee's recommendation. See if they will at least accept it back as an exchange for the one you need and maybe a store credit for the balance if there is a balance.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

If the sales girl told you it was the right one and it isn't, she sold you the wrong one, she is in the wrong. Insist you speak to the manager , yes make sure there are other customers within earshot, and don't take no for an answer, you are in the right to have it replaced.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
..answer no because I`D opened the packaging ..but fair play to that as no one else wants a kindle that has been tested..it should be brand new!..but she told me definitely right one..was also in the sale...so that makes things harder!!!..i know they are often funny re sale offer refunds..but I don`t know my actual rights there!..But I`m going to do as you say! X