    Why do we get cookies,why does everyone want to delete them,and why is there no "cookies blocker"? If no one wants them...then why do we have to deal them? Jst wondererin'....

    0  Views: 534 Answers: 1 Posted: 10 years ago

    1 Answer

    Cookies track what you are doing on the internet. They are used to remember sites you visited and to remember password and user names. Unfortunately they are also energy users, they draw off your computers memory resources and help to slow down how your computer processes commands and such. Many sites require cookies in order for you to be able to use their programs, apps and other information. 


    So, we are all "profiled" in other words. I knew this,however, I'd like a second opinion...

    Sort of. This is why you suddenly see ads on webpages related to a search you may have made just minutes before. Cookies "tell on you" when you search for things on the internet.

    Do you remember if we did a congrats for your 100K?

    Rite, can we invade their privacy,also,maybe by reverse look-up or some sort of tracking technique,and bog down THEIR system,like they do ours? Can't we have OUR OWN PERSONAL PROFILE,given to us if we want it?....No. It's "TOP SECRET"...I don't believe it's about advertising...It's about our rites of privacy...or the lack of...I,for one,would like to know who thinks they know about me,and exactly what they THINK they,if needed,I can correct any misconceptions that may wrongfully be in "MY Profile",which is,in my opinion, only someone else's opinion on what information they "gathered"so far...anything can be used against you,so to be PRE-prepared in such an event,can be an asset. People and computers are using your personal information,NOT to protect you,but to incriminate you.The more you use modern technology, the closer you become a pawn in this game WE call life...however...this "cookie" thing is only a rouge for the way we are all being "Watched" or "Spied" on. If I had it MY way...(well...can't say anymore without being "CLASSIFIED AS...whatever ...)

    Just today...I thought nobody did that anymore...since I returned, I have not seen anyone congradulated for 100,000 til now...& IT'S ME...YAY ! THANKYOU ! :))

    Yes, they still do the congrats. I just could have sworn we did one for you. I thought I had made a trophy like I do for all the members who make 100K. I'm glad clu caught it :)

    As for the cookies, if you do not want to be tracked so much, just do private browsing. You can find it under Tools. Cookies do not pull private information. They just track where you go on the internet and also help to remember your information when you log into an account. Even akaQA uses cookies to remember your account details. The spying you really need to worry about is the spying done by the NSA.

    Can anyone be alerted when the NSA is in their system? I kinda' like to know WHO I'm talking to,and WHEN. Shouldn't that be a mandate? If not...then where are our censers?...How do we know from day to day, that what we say, could potentionaly be used against us somehow?...EVERYONE should be allowed freedom of speech...FOREVER...I'm afraid not,tho.......(sigh...)

    No, you will not be alerted. The only alert you will get is if you are doing something illegal, then the alphabet soup gang (FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, USSS and others) will show up at your door :) They are building a huge complex out west somewhere to store all the data they are collecting. No worries, we will have a president soon that will give us back our rights and destroy all the illegally gotten data.

    Yup...not concerned bout the legal aspect of it all,but IF I DIDN'T want a bit of privacy...I would have my own "reality" show.

    What? akaQA is not real enough for you? ;)

    Are you sayin' that this IS MY OWN reality show?

    It is whatever you want it to be. Remember, you're the special one ;)

    OK...NOW I feel you should, too:)

    Just cut all your doorways wider :)

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