    CLOSED: Do You Believe In Karma?

    +3  Views: 1487 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: karma

    <a href="/users/2135/angie/">@Angie</a> - Thanks, sorry, out of votes. TU to you. Will return!!!

    10 Answers

    I do, but it's not like if will always happen immediately through my experiences.

    I did some side work for a Harley Mechanic, It was a several thousand dollar job. Our deal was he was going to build me a shovel head, in exchange for my services. Well complications arose, and he decided that he wasn't going to pay me. I met him threw a mutual friend.

    Well, a few months later the mutual friend let me know that lightning struck his home at or near the electrical box. The house had a huge electrical fire and If he wasn't home it would have been a total loss. Another problem he had was his insurance co. had dropped him, so he had to pay for everything out of pocket. What comes around, goes around, seem to happen to people many time in our lives.

    I can't count how many times I had thoughts of slashing the guys tires or blowing up his car, I just took those thoughts and changed the channel in my mind. I am glad that I didn't take revenge into my own hands because i would have never in my wildest dreams, been able to punish this guy in the manor of the terrible thing that happened to him.



    Question leeroy, thinking back on that, at any point after, did you come into money that you weren't expecting? Maybe not exact to what he owed you but close? Perhaps it was a free service that you had expected to have to pay for but didn't have to for whatever reason. Karma does work both ways. The innocent does get repaid for what was taken or cheated from them.


    <a href="/users/1635/leeroy/">@leeroy</a> - Everything has a time and place. What goes around, will come around!!!


    Karma is simply the "Laws of Cause and Effect" embodied in one word = "KARMA." Speaking of the creative Spirit within a man, "It means what you put out you will get back." If one is hateful, one will reap what one sow; hate and all its friends, rashness, deceite, etc., etc., UNHAPPINESS. Each man is responsible for his own, situations and circumstances. By this unwritten law man is his own judge be it Joy or Sorrow, it is of his own making. One is subject to it whether one believes it or not! If one is happy within, one is doing it right. If not one must ones attitude and outlook on life before anything may change. For the like always attracts to itsef its like. One cannot say they don't believe in it, if they believe in the laws of cause and effects. Karma is and bad, it takes no sides man choses for himself in knowledge or ignorance, which choices are then symptomatic , of one state of mind. Though all men suffer this world Good Men don't suffer the viciousness of it.


    . .. one must change ones attitude and . . .


    <a href="/users/2973/gabalis/">@Gabalis</a> - Karma says..."Caution"! Be careful what you say, do and think!!!


    t.u. to you Gabalis, I think you have a very good answer to the question.

    The karma principle does have some biblical roots. Jesus did teach that a person reaps what they sow, however to asign karma to a perfect cause and effect religion in itself is not proven to be acurate. At the end of this life is judgment, not another life to get it right or do better. THose found to be in Christ will be pardoned from the second death, but will still have to give an account for what they have done while in the body whether it be good or bad. Those NOT found to be in Christ will be ressurrected again to life only to be seperated from God for ever being thrown into the lake of fire, this is the second death.


    <a href="/users/1485/friendofgod/">@FriendofGod</a> - So, you're saying...cause and effect has nothing to with what "goes around comes around".

    I'll let FoG handle this. Apparently he knows as much about Karma as he does the bible. This should be entertaining, lol



    Update, I've found out that FoG knows nothing about karma and understands it even less than knowing nothing about it. The man is lost in his own delusional world totally encompassed by the bible that he reads, eats and sleeps with and probably knows word for word but does not feel. He hates everything. Poor lost and misguided soul. Karma is burning him and he has no clue.


    Amen to that, these are the sheep Christ told his apostles to look after, for if one goes in the ditch, so go they all.


    Yes, we shall see. LoL!!!

    Action and the result of action. It means that as you sow so shall you reap. Every deed that you do and every thought that you have will one day come back to you for good or evil, in this life or another.

    I believe in Karma as in What goes around comes around


    <a href="/users/3289/matheneyg/">@matheneyg</a> - Karma says..."Caution"! Be careful what you say, do and think!!!

    out of votes, TU

    Be a good person and karma wont get you


    The good Karma will :)

    heres you a karma story several years ago i farted in my small car and locked the windows my friend almost passed out. i dropped him off and two miles down the road got stuck behind a truck hauling pigs for the next ten miles.humor left the car in a hurry

    Yes, Karma's not a Joke! You have to Open your Shakra and be in total symbiosis with Water, Fire, Earth, and AIR at the same time to be able to read it. You may see bad and sad things, but it's sometimes good to see bad and sad things, y'all should try to Open your mind to that stuff
    As told Durga an Hindou god : "Uff bache ne ankh nai kholi K pehle hi badmash, bana diya, pata nai agey kia hoga jajaja gugli mugli bacha" (:


    Get your head out of your Shakra ismlsm


    and it's "Hindustan" not hindoustan ... apparently you don't understand it very well either


    ok, I'll take that into consideration ismlsm ... "thank you"


    Its looks to me that you're just looking to use words that sound educated yet in all of your answers you have more grammar mistakes than I can count on one hand.


    Who's "boudha"?!


    Ooooh! You mean Buddha! Ok, I'm up to speed now :p


    Just for future reference, "orthograph" is not a word


    I see your French is just as horrible as your English. At least you used the word "Orthography" correct when speaking a different language.


    Ah, I didn't see those posts. Thanks for saving my energy!


    You're right; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But "you don't deserve to exist" (notice I corrected the grammar for you) is just a snide remark. From the looks of your rep. it seems like you love this kind of stuff, so my bad for taking the bait.


    Yo Colleen, this "Ismlsm" just joined 45 minutes ago and is immediately starting arguments and wasting your time. The fool can't even spell Buddha!

    Ismlsm, grow a set and stay on as one person.


    I'm not a victim Ismlsm, I just don't "tolerate" a guy who keeps coming on this site as a different person all the time and then leaves. YOU need to "grow up" and be yourself and stick to who you are...if you even remember.


    Apparently we're not stupid because we've caught you every time! Hope you had fun! We did! And again...time to grow up!


    Ismlsm...don't even think of putting yourself in the same league as Colleen. She has too much class.

    If your intent was to piss ME off then you have succeeded to a degree because I take much of this site seriously. If your intentions were to prove what an immature little shit you were...then again you succeeded way beyond your expectations. Congratulations!



    Interesting. Why bother to post a message no one will understand? What's the point?



    Oh, another religious wingnut. Oh joy. God loves me and so I exist. Deal with it wingnut.



    I think he googled Hindustan and is scanning the page to sound like he follows it, lol



    "You will not be so insolent in front of the divine power of Boudha!"

    Bwaaahahahaha!!!!! Are you the same joker who was pretending to be Islam the other day? Are you briarpatch? How many names do you have here?



    Don't bother Ash, it's an idiot pretending to be Hindustan. Probably the same immature nutjob who was pretending to follow Islam.



    Take your trolling azz and go find a you-tube site where they love this kind of childish crap. I'd say your a member under a goofy name getting even for having your feelings hurt. Grow up oh immature one.



    You surely can't be talking to me as I'm not your hun.


    If you don't understand Hindoustan, you do not diserve to exist.


    Orthograph is not a Part of Karma's cycle, you don't have to judge me on that ... Shiva's may punish you.... Other gods too .


    You will not be so insolent in front of the divine power of Boudha!


    Your supreme chinese lord...


    As Karma said : Orthograph really matters NOTHING :)


    Ouais bah nique ta race, viens parler français avant de te foutre de ma gueule pédé, Orthographe , je dis ce putain de mots de merde quand j'en ai envie , Bitches


    Im not fighting : They are criticizin' Karma, I don't tolerate it !


    Im not Hindustan or a Muslim, I'm French, p'tits pédés, but I believe in Karma, because Karma chose me


    Please, Stop pretending you're all vitcims: at the beginning YOU came to comment badly my posts, now STOP ANNOYING me, I'm just trying to give my opinion, it's the rules of this site. if you don't accept difference of opinion, YOU have to grow up and leave the site , thx :)


    Are you guys stupid? I was joking from the beginning, didn't you get that? That is funny to see how much you can go nerved so qucikly HAHAHA (I must have made mistakes on this post too, find'em on time)


    Hun hun ... Why so much agressivity on your post? :(


    Come on , this site's about rednecks that wonder about so boring stuff, everyone can create an acount : how could you take this seriously man ^^

    Pamela Is that all you have to offer? Hummmm. . . Gabalis took time to share that very thing in some depth, that seriously interested persons might find some understanding. Karma, can GOOD or BAD, your cryptic warning suggests you see it only as bad; seems you seek to impress and frighten people, thats bad Karma. You don't read, but comment as of a parrot, echoing, the same thing over and over to all the answers. Careful you are beomeing a victim of your own Karma, a closed mind, your warning would seem to reflect a judgement on yourself, obviously you see Karma only as dark stuff, you don't understand fully. You asked the question with a comment ready before you read any answers or even thought about it seriously,seeking to impress. Read think, ponder, you just might learn something more.


    Gabalis, you seem to seek out those who don't agree with your beliefs and judge them for it. Though you usually add in a word or two re: the question asked, 90% of your answers are judgmental. "You don't read, but comment as of a parrot, echoing, the same thing over and over to all the answers" .. I find this a little hypocritical since you seem to do the same thing. Hopefully we can start focusing on the question v.s answer portion of this website rather then pointing fingers at people.


    Apologies Pamela, I miss read its intent, it just seemed like a dire warning. Just goes to show how different we all think and perceive. We are all at different levels of consciousness, forgive me if I have hurt you. God Bless :)


    Ashlight, I don't seek it out I simply address it when I see it, else where is the growth, the evolution?


    Karma is not good or bad in itself. Not frightening when one understsnds. It is just natural law at work in men as they apply and use it by their freewill, only then Good of Bad. ;)


    Is this Coaches website? Who is the judge of what is revelant or not in the converstions of people. One thing will always lead to another, there is the revelancy; many things are related.


    Again regards, look for the Good, it not only reflects God influence, but demonstrates Karma at work as well. After all it is His Law; part of the greater plan. :)


    <a href="/users/2973/gabalis/">@Gabalis</a> - The subject is about "Karma", not me!!!


    <a href="/users/4087/ashligh16/">@Ashligh16</a> - Stated very well, thanks!!!

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