    When you see musicians like AC/DC or the Stones they jump around the stage like people much younger them themselves. Mick is almost 70. Do you think they smoke, drink, drug?

    They are athletes on stage. I don't think they do smoke & drink. How could they??

    +5  Views: 547 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

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    3 Answers

    Its a wonder most of them are still, after the way they have abused their own bodies. I recently read a book Keith Richards wrote about his life and The Rolling Stones, God, it's a miracle he's still hear. I'm glad they are, the best band ever.


    I hope they stay around for a good long time. Each one of them. They have given generations much joy with their music. Our son-in-law has gone to countless concerts. If they do "Sweet Virginia" he calls me from wherever the concert is held. (My favorite Stones song)

    I guess this says a lot about REGULAR diet and exercise………...


    They sure get the exercise. You're supposed to sweat when you do aerobics. They sweat.

    I think it is safe to assume that some rock stars dabble in drugs. We have lost some legends through drug and alcohol abuse.


    I wonder how the Stones do it? They are getting long in the tooth and they are STILL going strong. Maybe they are juicing. Or secretly running the track at night. Perhaps it's a high-protein diet? Or Yoga? Or low protein? I'm kinda joking around but the energy it takes to put on a concert is awesome. Maybe they should write a health book. Heh : D

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