    Are wealthy people happier than people in the middle?

    Christmas time really brings up these questions for me.  


    I asked a friend, "I've been poor and I've been rich. Rich is better"  he said.

    I think I'd have to go along with what he says to an extent. . But then, I always feel rich. I have everything I need and many times I will have some things I just want.  (For instance, my fragrance table has several new perfumes. It's a treat because I usually have just one.) My husband says my attitude was one of the things that drew me to him. I am easy to please. : /

    +7  Views: 1172 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    The happiness come from heart not from money.


    Said so simple and I think it's so true.

    Thank You.

    What is you definition of “happy”.  I’m lower middle class and I’m plenty happy. My friends seem to have more money but it doesn’t make a matter………...


    Same here ... my answer could be the same as yours.

    Not a very easy question to answer. "Wealthy" means a different amount of money to different people....thirty bucks left over at the end of the month, is a PILE of cash to others, 200 thousand in the bank, isn't enough. It's the same with one it's just little pleasures that cost nothing, to others, it has to be a six-month vacation in the tropics. Who can say?


    I'll take the 6-month tropical vacation with the 200k for $100.00 please.

    And I'll take Door #3.

    30 bucks and a trip to Detroit ?

    You can have the 30 bucks if you'll keep me away from Detroit! :)

    To Miss Ducky having Loads and Loads ,Does not alter her sweet nature,I was thinking as the Banks are not open yet i wonderd if you could loan me a few bob,until i can get to the shops,

    Of course hector. I've already thought of you today and it's in the mail. Keep an eye on your mail box.

    digger and ducky, I live near Detroit, and it has a great night life, great sports teams, great museums.The Detroit Intitute of Art has some of the finest art work ever. It has the finest collection of Irish gold under lock and key.It has 4 casinos.
    In fact, I'm going downtown tomorrow .

    Can you attend any of those places alone, after dark? Sadly, the locals say NO!!

    Ducky is such a chicken.


    Many wealthy people would trade lives with some who have less to be as happy as they are.  They do not want to be homeless, but some have learned that you cannot substitute material goods always for happiness.  (I will keep telling this to myself, so I do not feel like I have less than the wealthy!) 

    Yes. All other things being equal.

    I don't think they are all happier, we keep fairly happy, and we just about manage financially while I keep working. It does worry me a bit how we will manage when I don't have a job or can't work anymore. There is saying that money may not bring happiness, but it can take away a lot of misery.


    I agree sunny. Not having to count every penny, every day will certainly relieve stress. Money worries are not fun. Been there.

    My mom always was battling financial matters.

    My mom was always battling financial matters as I was growing up. We went shopping for my formal, shoes, and bag for my junior prom and she had a panic attack and we had to leave the store. I was not sympathetic to her feelings. I guess I was a selfish, typical teenager. I'm sorry now.





    Yes, sunnyB. Somethimes heavier the life. Somethimes easier. It is like wave of auchan. Maybe we lost our jobs or do not find better one. But we can be proactive and preparedness. My life is not easy too. But now much better than 5 years ago. I had a college, he is an indian man and he was see my mistakes in my life. He was very spiritual and his sister was a Naturopath. I remember this man always told me this: - Willliam, thinking before! William thinking before! Because I always did gasping. I wanted do the work faster and ... I did mistakes, because much things were overlooked. (Very interesting that 5 years ago I worked in a bank and there never did mistake.)

    This sentence what he said me not just there true and real where he told me it. This is true everywhere. And I remember. Thinking before. So, if I lose my job, than I have a database (I made it) and I can choose a new job. Need to be openminded.

    But I do not need change my work, because I very like my job.

    The choice for happiness is a personal choice having nothing to do with anything but that choice. Make it conditional and happiness becomes limited by your own choice for conditions where you will or will not be happy. Such limitations impose sorrow where joy could be as if a light switch were at the helm of happiness to choose one or the other by whim. Happiness is best shared


    Yes, Sometimes in the store I'll feel unhappy or hungry. I plod along picking up my goods. I notice no one. No one notices me.
    Other times I'll be choosing food for a special diner, cupcakes for the kids to make, good healthy looking vegetables. I feel up and happy and people smile at me. I smile back. It's a fun experiment but I don't know if a man can do it, He might get his nose broken or something.
    PS I do love to choose the vegetables. Once home they lose some of their charm. : )

    Happiness is subjective.  My mother never wanted for any THING, but you couldn't call her "happy".  That pretty much goes for me, too.
    My aunt struggled for most of her life, and she was one of the kindest, most genial, genuinely happy people I ever met.  

    Yes...monetary gain makes me very happy....just went to the grocer to discover that I had 22 bucks left on my gift card and not the 6 bucks I thought....It made me very happy! When I  have had enough money to give away...and this has occurred for me in the past...I must say that I feel much happier however even in times of financial strife I can easily be happy within myself and able to be in a happy state of being with others. I attempt to live life without whining. Easy come...easy go!

    itsmee, most of those celebrities have problems with drugs and alchohol. And the wealthy are not immune to getting cancer, or losing their children to an accident or leukemia,or something like that.


    They have the money to REALLY get into trouble and get addicted and sick. Maybe that's part of it. Maybe we just hear about it in magazines and the computer.

    money does not nesesarily make one happier,,however it does make ones life easier,,,i would call myself rich if my drill broke,,and i did not have to save up for a month to buy a new one,,,,happiness however has many faces,,,,,nice talking itsmee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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