    Where in the world did you dream of going as a child, and how close have you gotten as an adult?

    I always dreamed of Africa, closest yet is Australia, which is not that close at all!  But someday, maybe I still will go there. 

    +9  Views: 1078 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers


    I've had a fascination with the UK since I was a young child and I've repeatedly told my grandparents and my mother that when I'm old enough I will move there. At 47, I suppose I'm old enough! (*~*)


    Umm... :)
    country bumpkin

    Umm WHAT? (*~*)

    Do I know what you're thinking?\

    I'm just questioning, "Old enough for...?" :)

    If that is your dream, CB -- go for it! :)
    country bumpkin


    Two of my dreams have come true Kent. I'm finally with my soul mate and he lives in the UK. (*~*)


    And you & Roy WILL be happy for the rest of your lives CB.Because at 47 you are old enough & mature enough to know what you really want.You're livin' the dream girl.A merry Scottish Christmas to you both.Tom

    I'm sure you and Romos have found true happiness,and the very,very best to both of you -- maybe the next trip to Scotland i could catch up with you both. :)

    CB, Glad you made your dreams come true. Many of us don't. If you look at my post, I , too , always wanted to go to the UK. GMTA.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks to all of you for your sincere wishes for Roy and I. Yes, we're both on cloud nine. Kent, if you ever make it to Scotland you are welcome to come see us, I think we would have a nice time with a lot of laughs.

    I always dreamed of going into space and travelling around the galaxies (I'm a TREKKIE)

    Joined the Royal Navy directly after leaving school, saw most of the world that we live on,good and bad,came home in the mid 80s with no more notion to travel anywhere, had a few good holidays and trips but I'm still here in my home town with the love of my future life.

    WHO KNEW????


    Good things do come to those who wait! Regards.

    country bumpkin

    AWWWWWWW! I Love You, Honey!

    And you guys too, almost like my family...

    You too Ray.
    Happy holidays.
    country bumpkin


    Double AWWWWWWW Ray!


    Awwwwwwwwwwww....<sniffle>...(-=-) stop that!

    R, Why didn't you join the Air Force ?

    I had no dreams, I just couldn't wait to see what happened.........


    That's cool.

    I don't remember dreaming of any place in particular. I only remember that I wanted to visit somewhere that had palm trees. I HAVE been among palm trees a few times.  Aaahhhhh.....        :)

    country bumpkin

    I like you Aaahhhh more than my AWWWWWW, can we switch AWWWWWW's, I mean Aaahhhh's?

    No plans to move to Florida, eh?

    Awwwwwww is my "Awww, isn't that sweet".
    Aaahhhhh is my "Aaaahhhhh, so relaxing".

    In the late fifties i looked forward every afternoon after school to watch the Mickey Mouse Club with,Roy, Annette, Cheryl, Cubby etc, they would show parts of Disneyland, i thought these kids have it made and i dreamed of being there, some 20 years later the dream came true it seemed unsureal, i was a liitle kid again trying and seeing the great rides and things from my favourite Mickey Mouse Club, You know what really surpised me the souvenirs, badges, t shirts.  embroided M.M. ears were all made in the U.S.A., not the Phillipines. -- i have still got my Mickey Mouse Watch. :)


    Annette was my favorite. I watched Mickey Mouse Club one day and then American Bandstand the next. No "taping" in those days.

    And we lost Annette this year, RIP. She filled out those ears!

    Yes, she had a terrible end to her life but was still so pleasant when I last saw her interviewed. :(

    Would kids watch it as intently as we did today? I do not think so, do you?

    I don't think so either busti...far too tame. No fun watching "happy kids". Anger seems to prevail today.

    Afraid so, and the pace was far too slow for todays kids! No wonder so many poor kids are ADD, ADHD, etc. Life is coming at them too fast in their formative years, I fear.

    I know this makes me sound really old, but sometimes I wonder if kids even know what it feels like to sit in a room with no noise or confusion happening, as in...QUIET!!! Or sit under a tree outside, alone, no music, no gadgets and just read a book. There is always noise in their heads. Sad.

    My daughter has just instituted a new procedure with grandson, after prayers, and stories, he gets 10 min. of lights on reading time before he has to go to sleep. (he is 4 1/2) This after he was staying up without any light but what was from nightlight, reading anyway, way longer than that. And now he doesn't strain his eyes! He is content to spend quiet time anytime you ask him, or sometimes he will wander to a room and grab a book by himself.

    Sounds wonderful to me. :)

    The U.s.,Canada & Mexico.I've done the U.S. & Mexico.2 outa 3 ain't bad.I watched the old movies about Pancho Villa & Zappata as a kid & I was fascinated.So I wanted to see the Rio Bravo & I have.I wanted to see Texas & the Alamo in San Antonio & I have.I also dreamed of seeing this entire huge continent.I've seen about 3 Quarters of it & that's enough.

    country bumpkin

    Tommy, have you watched the movie called the Good Ole Boys starring Tommy Lee Jones? (I doubt it played in your neck of the woods)

    I'm sure Tom would have seen it as it was shown Down Under.

    I don't recall the title.I'll look it up.

    Right here is where I sought to go from the time i was a young child and I was born and raised 3000 miles east . Could not wait to get back to California.

    Since i was 12, I've dreamed of going to Europe.......especailly the U K  and Italy, Holland , and Germany. But, it never worked out b/c none of my freinds wanted to go , or I didn't have the money. My late husb didn't want to go even tho' his siblings went to see their ancestral home - - -which is Sicily

    country bumpkin

    I here Germany is beautiful MCM. My sons brother is stationed there. If you come up with enough money then take this opportunity to go. If you plan your trip well then you'll have lots of fun even if you have to go alone.

    For years , my travel goal has been every one of the United States. Now I'd like to do the rounds in a small motor home with a good friend, our motorcycles towed behind for investigating when we reach a campsite. Did have a memorable trip with the ex, but missed several states due to weather and time. I'd keep a journal of my travels this time around.


    Sound like a good plan...

    I'll call ya when I'm in the neighborhood! :D

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