    how can i use it?

    0  Views: 674 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    Are  you refering to AKAQA? Simply ask a question and one or two or seven of out world wide members will try to answer it.  Educational, helpful, and fun.............

    What algebra, to figure out how many yards of fabric to use for making something of irregular shape.  Or what pitch to cut rafters and have them fit with the materials at hand to build a  building.  These are examples I used to give students who would ask me in my science classes, why they had to take algebra. 

    Now that’s a tall order there K. If you “It” could be a little bit more deffinative I may be able to help… |?t| pronoun [ third person singular ] 1 used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified: a room with two beds in it | this approach is refreshing because it breaks down barriers. • referring to an animal or child of unspecified sex: she was holding the baby, cradling it and smiling into its face. • referring to a fact or situation previously mentioned, known, or happening: stop it, you're hurting me. 2 used to identify a person: it's me | it's a boy! 3 used in the normal subject position in statements about time, distance, or weather: it's half past five | it was two miles to the island | it is raining. 4 used in the normal subject or object position when a more specific subject or object is given later in the sentence: it is impossible to assess the problem | she found it interesting to learn about their strategy. 5 [ with clause ] used to emphasize a following part of a sentence: it is the child who is the victim. 6 the situation or circumstances; things in general: no one can stay here—it's too dangerous now | he would like to see you right away if it's convenient. 7 exactly what is needed or desired: they thought they were it | you've either got it or you haven't. 8 (usu. “it”) informal sex appeal: he's still got “it.” • sexual intercourse. 9 (usu. “it”) (in children's games) the player who has to catch the others. PHRASES at it see at1. that's it 1 that is the main point or difficulty: “Is she going?” “That's just it—she can't make up her mind.” 2 that is enough or the end: okay, that's it, you've cried long enough. this is it 1 the expected event is about to happen: this is it—the big sale. 2 this is enough or the end: this is it, I'm going. 3 this is the main point or difficulty. ORIGIN Old English hit, neuter of he, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch het . it 2 |?t| noun [ mass noun ] Brit. informal, dated Italian vermouth: he poured a gin and it . ORIGIN 1930s: abbreviation. IT |??a? ?ti| abbreviation information technology. information technology |??nf?r??me???n t?k?n?l??i|(abbr.: IT ) noun the study or use of systems (esp. computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.


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