3 Answers
Read here...http://fullformdirectory.in/sorry-full-form.html
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
1. feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc.: to be sorry to leave one's friends; to be sorry for a remark; to be sorry for someone in trouble. 2. regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate; tragic: a sorry situation; to come to a sorry end. 3. sorrowful, grieved, or sad: Was she sorry when her brother died? 4. associated with sorrow; suggestive of grief or suffering; melancholy; dismal. 5. wretched, poor, useless, or pitiful: a sorry horse. 6. (used interjectionally as a conventional apology or expression of regret): Sorry, you're misinformed. Did I bump you? Sorry. Synonyms: 1. regretful, sympathetic, pitying. 3. unhappy, depressed, sorrowing. 4. grievous, mournful, painful. 5. abject, contemptible, paltry, worthless, shabby. See wretched. Antonyms: 1. happy.
Source > Dictionary.com
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
to say sorry to someone means,you regret having done or said something,and you wont do it again,,the mafia kill one day,,go to a priest the next day,,say sorry,,,and go kill the next day,,do you think they mean sorry when they say it,,i will leave you to answer that one,,,all the best mate,,,
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |