    Does depression effect you,especially during the Holiday?If do you usually cope with it?

    I'm refering to mainly Christmas and New Years.

    +4  Views: 680 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    I know I must have mentioned this in one or two threads...but I just wanted say "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to ALL!!!"(all at once!)...So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to ALL!!!...

    8 Answers

    It will if I allow it. I am vigilant about depression (having been through a major one) and I try to continue on my same regular routine....exercise, eating properly and getting enough sleep. As much as possible, I avoid dwelling on past events and situations that have been difficult. I also allow others to tell me how they feel at Christmas time. Many are sad and that makes me feel like I'm pretty normal.


    Thanx...Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to you, wonderer.

    Don't let things get you down, look around you can always see someone worse off, it's the best way to look at life even when times are hard.


    Totally agree. I am so fortunate in so many ways that I should never, ever complain.

    True for most of us ducky, and we should always look on the bright side of life de dum de dum de dum de dum.

    Dum de dum de dum de dum. Then they say, "Nothing bothers you", or "You're lucky that your life is so good". We just can't win sunny...just can't win! LOL!!!

    Tra la, de dum, de dum, de dum la la, tra la ... oh hell.

    Thanx,Merry Christmas!

    As a normally depressed person I can say yes to both of your questions. I medicate heavily and am actually looking forward to "The Day".  Yes, drugs can and do help.  Seek out a good doctor for help...........


    "The Day" Sheesh ... That scared me for a second. You mean Christmas Day, of course! Don't you?

    I recently have...thanx, & Merry Christmas!

    oh hi .... Merry Christmas 2 u ! : ))

    This year is proving difficult, partly because both my parents are now gone.  A major reason, though, is that I have distanced myself from my eldest son and will miss him and his children during the holidays, as well as every day.  I'm having trouble putting Christmas decorations around the house, and I usually enjoy that so much.
    Coping with depression has been an issue for over 20 years.  I used to take medication, but haven't had any for about a year.  Keeping busy helps, and some adrenal support seems to be helping, too.  Faith, believe it or not, helps the most.


    Best wishes and know others are thinking of you at this difficult year. Stay strong, regards... We are going to be alone this year, as our kids spend every other year, every other holiday with us and their in-laws. We just lost my wife's mom in Sept. and it will be difficult. We will eat out, and visit her grave, then visit friends later for a much needed drink!

    And the best to you and your Mrs. bustieone. Give her a hug from me!
    Enjoy your have each other and good friends. You know your kids will be thinking of you!

    Bob/PKB...I wish you a Merry Christmas...and I mean that. I also hope the reasons you feel this way will soon fade...take care...I wish you the best...Wonderer...^

    Wonderer, my hopes and prayers for you always, to be healthy and happy. I truly believe a kind heart helps, so you're certainly due some goodness. Take care of yourself. God's got your back. XXOO

    I also take a supplement for adrenal support. (Most people don't even know what that is.) It's probably THE most effective supplement ever, for me. I've taken St. John's Wort as well, for many years. It seems to work for mild to moderate depression so I use it as a "preventive". I think the "distancing" is good, though difficult, as the alternative is depressing in itself.

    Thank you for your (adrenal:D) support, Ducky. It was a tough-love choice for me, and, I'm afraid, no going back. Even going forward, I don't see a reconciliation even when he's on a better path (which means SINGLE father). I can't call him a good father when he allows a drug-using alcoholic to live with him and "their" children. There's just a point in time when enough becomes too much. :(

    What's adrenal support?
    OK ... I'm having a difficult Christmas too. I'll be glad when it's over. When I'm depressed I sit and stare waaaay too much. I have a new plan it is this ... MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE.
    Clean house, take a walk, clean a drawer, a closet, mop, SHOP, dance, put up decorations. I've read that it's almost impossible to move when depression hits. I am going to prove them wrong.
    Why does your daughter-in-law drug and drink? It would be terrible to have that illness,

    itsmee, my addictions have been more self-destructive, like potato chips or diet Pepsi. My son has been in a relationship with someone for five years, three little children. They have so far raised these children in a home where there has been drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and infidelity. I'm sick and disgusted with the two of them, and I guarantee they are going to find themselves wondering what the hell happened next time they have a "problem" with each other, because they will find themselves childless.

    I am sorry that is how it is for you. Very. Are you willing and able to take over the care of the children? Oh, I'm sorry. Does your son know what you will do? If he does, he will stop?
    I guess addicts can't stop without a recovery plan? Are you safe?
    My three grand children are spending Christmas week at Disneyland. And I'm not. Their other grandparents will be going with them. Money makes life sweet. And fortunately they have lots ... and lots. (Do you hear the tone in my voice, Phyllis?)
    Different problems. Two mothers in pain.
    We could have other problems. Cancer. Poverty.......
    We have a skylight in the ceiling and I hear RAIN. That's a good thing. Do you have my phone number?
    Bustieone: sounds like your Christmas will be ...dreary? Is that the word?

    No we will be fine thanks. We will eat alone, but have friends and family (a few) over later in night for a snack and drink. Thanks for your concern, regards.




    Tommy, is that a kiss? xo

    It tooks like a little blue square with a question mark in it. I ride a Mac. "They think different"
    But for the heck of it, and since it's Tommy ... xo

    Merry Christmas!

    I just keep breathing. Also, I keep my Depression to myself because I've found that a lot of people don't like it if you give yourself away. So I put on a happy face and go around singing "Don't worry. Be Happy"  

    And yes, I know what happened to the guy who penned that cheerful little ditty.


    Yup,that's what I do,too. I don't want to make others feel uncomfortable around me,I always put on my happy face. It's unfair taking anyone's happiness.Thanks,itsmee,Merry Christmas! :))

    On AKAQA we can say whatever we want to say. We can tell our truth and still have our friends ....... (I think so anyway)
    And Merry Merry Merry Christmas to you. I like your comment.

    When I was a kid, my dad used to say that his mother(who died when I was almost 4 ), used to cry a lot at Christmas time, b/c she was thinking of the folks back Germany. So, he said , he promised himself then that when he grew up, he would make Christmas a happy time for his wife and kids and he would enjoy it.


    Merry Christmas! (I,too, live in Michigan,and was born in,actually, the 14th!)Happy Birthday to you!!! :)

    Happy Birthday, Wonderer. What kind of cake would you like? What gift? I'm sending you good thoughts. We will both feel a lot better after all this whoop of the holidays is over.
    I'll say this: Happy New Year.

    Happy belated birthday wishes wonderer, hope you had a good day.


    Thank you,sunnyB...I did! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

    You have a Merry Christmas too wonderer, peace and goodwill to you .

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