    Why the boys,they only jocking with the girls feelings?


    0  Views: 454 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    Some guys can be immature when they are not serious about a girl, so they treat them like crap because they don't care. Not all guys are like this. When you find a guy that truly does care he will treat you like a princess and shows that he cares.


    pythonlover - it is not that they do not care about the girl - they are just building their own self-esteem they think - kinda chauvanistic. It is true boys are behind girls when younger in communication areas and as said they might grow up. Many girls though also behave like this - maybe it is this hard to get thing. I will not go into the adult world here - men and woman whoooa.

    Boys will be boys............


    Don't worry too much!


    hahaha. That's cute and so true.They put straws in their nose in resturants. .Meanwhile, little girls are passing around the napkins in resturants.


    Quit Jockeying around

    As ROMOS wrote, Boys Will Be Boys. They are insecure in their own rights, thoughts, and actions. So are girls for that matter. Time, everything takes time.........

    Lore, I've read that boys are about 2 years behind girls in maturity. Give them some time.


    Should give us a bit of catching up time?

    Romas - Catch up - do they I wonder? Just joking but there are some areas still lacking at moments.

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