    how do you get mold smell out of clothing and wood furniture that has been in storage?

    the clothing was drycleaned, the furniture is a dresser and tv stand

    0  Views: 876 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    6 Answers

    Use vinegar in your wash water when washing your clothes. Add some to your rinse water as well…………….

    How to Get Musty Smell Out of Wood Furniture | Get Smell Out

    White vinegar sprayed upon offending odor, and allowed to dry, often neutralizes the odor.  Some bleach in wash water should also help, wash in small test area first. 

    For clothes...NON chlorine bleach with a cupful of "awsome" if you can find it in your area...if  not then use about 1 third cup of liquid dish detergent. For wood...if it is coated with varnish,its usually not on all sides of the wood. That's where the moister that gets musty smelling into the wood. simply use a spray bottle to apply a 50/50 mixture of ammonia and warm water. You can add a tablespoon of Murphy's oil soap (or olive oil)  Let dry completely then spray with (Pledge or any furniture POLISH...avoid stuff with wax in it.) Sounds like a lot of work... but it works. And you only need to put on the NON finished surfaces....Note: If the surface is stained, but not VARNISHED,it should be treated with mixture. The finished areas should be washed with warm soapy water...rinse well...dry completely, and use you favorite polish on it.Good Luck and Merry Chistmas

    hang the clothes up outside. And put the furniture and everything outside. And open the drawers and doors on the furniture.

    Put baking soda in the drawers of the furniture, sprinkle it all over.  This is after washing the exterior down with detergent and a little bit of vinegar.  If the baking soda doesn't take all smell out, remove it and spray a mist of white vinegar to surfaces and allow to dry.  This also to bottom of furniture, inside guts, etc. 

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