    2 year-old snake charmer. Legal guardian(s) should be arrested for endangering the

    welfare of a minor. Just read the responses: Here's a story about a "harmless" snake in New Brunswick, Canada:  What do you think?

    0  Views: 886 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    A pythons nature is to constrict. Given the size of that snake it could crush and suffocate that little boy to death. Snakes are unpredictable. I hope his parents realize that.


    An honest answer from a snake-loving moderator. At least you don't speak with "forked-tongue"!

    Interesting, personally I don't think Charlies parents would be allowing this to happen if they felt that their son was in danger, granted, snakes like this can be very dangerous but if they've been brought up in captivity and been well cared for and fed well (as this snake looks to have been) then the dangers are minimized, as for the snake in NB that killed the two boys, it was an illegal breed and most reports seem to say it certainly wasn't well cared for, a tragic case none the less.


    "Never trust a snake!" Plenty of tame animals brought up in captivity have turned on their owners.Remember that chimp in Connecticut? (A member of the family!") Well-fed snakes in general would be more docile, but these do have large fangs and can inflict serious wounds, even if not thinking about a meal. As for the size of the child, snakes like these can unhinge their jaws and swallow a child like this whole. Most snakes have an excellent sense of what they can swallow and what they can't. Pythons in Africa have been known to try and swallow antelopes and were successful up until the horns. They were just too large and ripped upon the snakes' innards.

    No animal that is held in captivity is 100% safe, but what I meant was that basically his parents seem to have a vast experience with their animal centre and should know that with their supervision the kid will be safe enough.

    At least they don't let the kid play with Cobras...

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