    If you were homeless and all your posessions were in a grocery cart, what would you have?

    I hope this isn't too depressing. I'm thinking about it. I want to know what to do to help. It's freezing tonight and the thought of people without homes is terrible ... terrible. Sometimes I think all you can do is throw money at the problem.

    +4  Views: 814 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    If you were homeless having some of the things suggested would be a fight for your life. You would need a baseball bat to beat off the ones who wanted your stuff! 


    I feel some of the answers are way off base. Homelessness is terrible. Freezing - being dirty- being a victim of crooks- My brother was a homeless person who had his life taken by someone who wanted his goods! Its sad and some posts are UNREAL!

    that's why I said I would bring some MACE. There was a homeless man in my town that was found murdered in a woodsy area behind the bowling alley out on the highway.There's an encampment behind there for the homeless.It's not uncommon for a homeless person to turn up murdered.

    My list was terrible! The smoke were part pleasure/part barter. The same with the beer.
    Do you have any ideas what items might be stored fairly easilyaa/
    I'm sorry about you brother.

    What I do to help homeless people is donate to Salvation Army, rescue missions and food pantrys. They are better informed to help folks than I am. And these agencies don't spend your donations on salaries for management people. Your dollar counts!

    Thank you for taking this question seriously, clu. Thank you, also, for the suggestions for contributions. While I don't like to give money to people asking for help (but am glad to give food), trusting an organization that has wide-reaching benefit makes the very most sense.

    Ooooph! I just got home from Christmas shopping. As we drove out of Macy's lot. I saw a probably homeless man standing there with his sign.
    "I'M COLD. DO YOU HAVE AN OLD SLEEPING BAG" It's going to freeze tonight, I think. I was thinking of helping out with the Salvation Army.
    I have nothing against giving a few dollars but I was just shocked and sad. I just waved and smiled. He waved back.
    I heard a homeless talk about how terrible it is to be invisible. He said, "When someone looks at me it makes me happy. A smile is like a ham sandwich."
    Anyway ... That's how I handled it. I'll do better in the future.

    I would have a king sized feather comforter and a tarp along with a long , hooded coat and bottles of water.


    I've heard you can live 4 minutes without air.
    4 days without water,
    and 40 days without food.
    If that is true, your choice of bottles of water would be a good one.


    "What I would do" if I were homeless, is pretty easy to discuss. However, like every other situation, who could really know until you're in it? :(

    Yes it is a worry Itsmee.I guess I would have as much warm clothing as possible & a blanket.A waterproof poncho of some sort,a flashlight & a thermos of hot coffee or soup if I could get it.


    You know, I was thinking that maybe there was some miracle item that would make life livable for those people on the street. There just isn't. It's just a problem - a terrible problem.

    That must be a terrible feeling to be homeless, but it seems to be happening more and more these days everywhere. Around this area there are more middle aged men homeless than anyone, I saw someone in the local town on Sunday afternoon, he was rapped up in an old blancket in a shop doorway, a lady had just taken him a cup of coffee, I gave him a £2 piece which I had in my pocket, he was very grateful .


    It's almost unbelievable that the United States has this situation of homelessnes. When our politicians take expensive trips and exquisite dinners, it seems like some of that money could go other places! King and Queen Obama might put their minds and money to this. We spend a lot in other countries. It was freezing tonight and I was thinking that somewhere there was a mother and her kids huddled in a car trying to stay warn,

    The thought of little kids sleeping in cars on freezing nights is heartbreaking.

    I used to pass by a woman in an old big car. She smoked cigarette after cigarette. It was so cold. So damn cold. I went up to her window and she looked down. It went all the month of December. Broke my heart. Eventually, she left and her car left.I passed her when I took my walk by the ocean. It was a tourist place ... many people past her. Sad.

    some of those families in Detroit live under the expressway bridge.Keeps them out of the rain.

    There is an entire "city" underneath Vegas. They are called the tunnel people. :(

    I have heard of these folks Ducky.Probably 50% of them are the ones who went to Vegas searching for the dream.

    Could be, although I saw one couple interviewed and they had both lost jobs, one got sick also and lost his house. They both said that they wouldn't ever have expected to be in this situation but "here we are". They actually seemed quite contented and very glad to have met each other. Both very likeable.

    Some people without mental illness are homeless, they just decide to walk away from their life.  There was an initiative to engineer a temporary house for homeless use.  It basically was a plywood box.  People did not like the idea of seeing them like a refugee camp, and they did not come into usage.  They had electricity, and a hotplate, but no plumbing.  The resident would have to visit a shelter, or establishment to use the rest room. 


    Where was that????????

    A proposal somewhere in the US, I do not remember exactly where, I read of it.

    It would be better then nothing i suspose,not very coveneant if you had the runs though,

    True Hector. The flu would be Hell in a place like that. But it might be better than on the streets. (And more sanitary for ALL)
    In our town a homeless woman was kicked out of a fast-food place. They wouldn't let her use the restroom. I do understand the restaurant people but I don't understand the city government. It seems they just close their eyes.

    I was homeless for two years.  Wasn’t so bad. When we weren’t living under the bridge we were in a tent, had a place for our belongings (the cops chased us out of there). Long story……...


    Why did they chase you out?

    We were on the edge of a public park (no one owned the land) and the neighborhood asso. wanted us out. The cops came in with guns I was laughing……….

    I'm glad you're safe and warm. I'm glad we ALL are safe and warm.

    Enough to go to the Express line (10 items or less)!


    Water, canned milk, vegetable soup, canned beans with meat, beer, smokes, spam, coffee, oatmeal cookies, orange, apple, bottle of vitamins ... (I overspent)

    I'm going to write a letter to someone who could do SOMETHING. (The mayor?) I won't count on it helping ... but it wouldn't hurt.

    don't forget........carrots and celery

    my Teddy Bear. , my 3 cats, my sleeping bag. , a hot water bottlle , food and water, a flash light, 2 cans of MACE, a 2nd pair of shoes. 2 changes of clothes and underwear.,  some dark choc candy.some matches.


    Jeez1 It sounds like you have it all planned MCM.I hope not kiddo.

    Homelessness is quite rough. Lacking an address or bank account means you cannot receive most forms of government assistance. Your only chance is to get a mailing address even if just a postoffice box and apply for aid everywhere. Police will pick-up many people in harsh weather and some churches have facilities also. Most fast food joints toss out lots of food when closing and being on the streets, backdoor dining at whats in the bin may seem pretty gross…so it pays to be highly selective in what looks edible. Plastic bags, styrofoam and bubble pack can be nicely warm on a bone chilling night in an alley. Plastic does not breath so a bubble pack bed is warm and even sweaty if you are laying next to the stuff. Bathing and laundry is not something you can really live without. So if you are just hanging out and feeling grungy you can ask around for what you need. Most folk on the streets have really screwed themselves by denying opportunities, having fearful attitudes or manners, or by being oppressive, sullen, drunk, drugged and/or  frightful .  Looking the part is the problem for many. I have known folk who dressed in rags  and behaved like a lost and dying corpse for hand-outs. Mental illness identifies street urchins. There are a few professional pan-handlers who “beg” every day and/or run street scams. One group of religeous rag beggars collected $38,000.00 on the streets of Sacramento, CA in one 5 month long gig 25 years ago.

    I have been in that scene more out of curiosity than necessity. It is quite an experience that is beneficial to understand from being part of that scene, but if you don’t need to be there stay out.          


    A mentally ill person would not know how to keep themselves looking fresh and groomed. I think most people on the street have traumatic pasts. They may be mentally ill. Or ill with diagnosed or undiagnosed Cancer or some other serious illness or even a minor illness. To me it seems like a tyoe of torture. In the United States many people have so much and then there are some who live in that terrifying tunnel under the streets of Las Vegas. Or in the streets.
    Others say that people on the streets like it that way. They don't want to connect with government assistance or for some reason have great fear to contact them.
    Yes, some of them do make money. Your Sacramento story stands my hair on end. Those people who benefit with thousands of dollars really hurt the chances for poor people to be seen as needy.
    I didn't say much of anything ... just thinking. I am not considering a move. : )
    And then there's the Salvation Army but I won't go there ... I've already looked into that. : (

    I see a lot of folk who are headed for the streets. Lots of malnourished, drugged, drunk, ego-delusional, argumentative, irrational PTSD-ed, and dodging mental health, inspired by rumors and seeking solutions based on rumors and ignorance. Their ability to make appropriate life choices is set aside to favor of some wacky notion spread like the gosple truth from those who really know the facts like you neighborhood over-the-fence drug merchant.

    I'm not sure I understand what you wrote. Do you blame the people on the streets for their predicament?
    If so, we're on opposite sides of this discussion. I think they are victims of a society that has grown too big too quick. I think they are ill.

    The folks on the streets simply made choices that landed ten where they are and I would say that many need to be there because their choices and priorities got them where they are. The opportunity is for them to look within and find a better direction to go in and to be more selective about the choices they make for their own good. I choose everything that has happened to me. No one but me is responsible for what has taken place in my life. By my own choices I am here. I prefer to think this way rather than harbor resentments about what happened as if someone other than me was responsible.

    Children born into terrible poverty, abuse, and low intelligence are part of the cycle that puts people in the street. Mental health problems makes this much worse. If they don't get some kind of outside health they may die.
    People who are on the streets may not have this predicament, they may have just lost their homes a week ago. No job. No family. What to do?
    You are strong in mind and body, robert. If life was fair, there'd be more people like you.
    I'm not. If I should end up in the street I'd be a little like our cat who has NEVER been out of her safe house. I'd be dead one way or another.
    We have different abilities.

    Tarp and rope, Weather proof sleeping bag, pillow, an extra-extra large can (for cooking and billy-bath), toothbrush and baking soda, baseball bat (that was a good idea), fold-up cot, Stuff for starting a fire (not matches).  Clothing would have to include a very warm jacket, gloves, and hat. Some cooking utensils, toilet paper, my glasses, soap, razor. My Bible.  
    My indulgent possessions would be photos of my family, a journal, pens.   
    I think this would get me started.  Hope I never have to find out. 


    Yep, me too. It brought tears to my eyes when you wrote about your "indulgent possessions" You'd take pictures of your family like life on the streets means that people who live there give up their family and Christmas dinner and packages wrapped in bright paper with bows,

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