    Yomorrow is the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination. Do you remember

    (Tomorrow) where you were when it happened? If so, where?

    +1  Views: 463 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    I remember it like it was yesterday, I was 7yrs old collecting my mothers groceries from the delivery van that came around every Friday, I overheard two "older" people discussing this in the van and ran up to tell my Mum, she didn't believe me and made me go back along the street and collect the groceries, in the time I was gone she had turned on the TV and discovered I was correct,(big hugs and tears) BIG LOSS to the whole world, flaws and all...RIP JFK!


    Thank you, Romos, for your concern, on behalf of the American people

    I remember it well.I was 15  years old & still in bed in the very early morning.I heard my father discussing it with our neighbour outside my bedroom window. I couldn't believe it. I agree with Romos.Big,big loss.R.I.P. JFK.

    Sixth grade, Terry School, morning recess.  The teachers were running to the classroom that had the television in it that day. Very curious...
    We came back to class and our teacher announced, "The president has been shot, but there is a ray of hope".   We were all in shock.  JFK died shortly afterwards.  

    I was in 9th grade algebra class. First, our principal came on the P.A.  and annouced that the president had been shot. A little while later he annouced that our beloved president was dead. A long sad walk home from school.Seeing Jackie in her blood-stained pretty pink suit.Two days of the heartbraking preps for the funeral, seeing him lie in state with hundreds of people waiting in line to pass by his casket. Finally the funeral, with the poor widow walking in back of the casson (sp?)  and the riderless horse.Then, at last, the touching scene of poor John-John, giving a salute as his father's casket passed him by.

    I was a student in Edinburgh at the time getting ready to go out as it was a Saturday night. Someone knocked on the door and told me that the President had died. Everyone was subdued and somehow the world has never been the same since then.


    I think it was Friday....many of us were in classrooms.

    You are correct Bob, it was a long time ago.

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