my husband got into a motorcycle accident and hurt his knee & head. He did have an MRI done, but the hospital didn't treat him for his head only his knee. But he's frequently throwing up, forgetting things, dilusional and he's a heavy alcoholic. How much is from him hurting his head and how much is from alcohol?
2 Answers
It's hard to tell since he drinks heavily . But, I do know that a concussion can cause vomiting, dizziness, memory problems, change in personality.. These things happened to my grandma years ago when she fell down the stairs. She was knocked out. She had all these symtoms, except for the change in personality. My g.firend's father had that when his forehead was bashed in ......on a post a bicycle accident.After that, he threatened to shoot his son,etc. He was never like that before. Then , her mom divorced him.
How much did your husb drink before the accident ? He should see a neurologist .
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